When a powerful mercenary captain hires the characters to accompany him incognito to settle old scores, in exchange for the promise of integration into the famous company of the Purple Scorpions, this sweet career plan goes off the rails very, very quickly. In this prosperous haven in the middle of the garrigue and valleys of trees laden with sun-drenched fruit, the Abbey of Gravaël guards the tomb of Saint Andromeda and holds the domain in economic and religious harmony. But this period of apparent calm is coming to an end. And the players find themselves in the worst possible place at the worst possible time.
This campaign, written especially by John Grümph for Chroniques Oubliées Fantasy, offers a new way of running a campaign, one that leaves a great deal to improvisation and player decisions in a "sandbox" setting and structure. Over the course of five scenarios, characters will have the opportunity to take a central role in a domain with a complex social structure, resources that stir up a lot of envy and a forgotten past that is about to resurface. But they will have to accept to start at the bottom of the ladder, they will have to be socially involved, show courage and initiative, and not be subjected to the events that will inevitably take their toll. Who will be worthy of becoming the guardian of the tomb of Saint Andromeda?
Good to know!
We bring to your attention the fact that this game is a complement and therefore cannot be used alone to play. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this add-on.
Contents of the box : 1 book of 104 pages.