Role-playing games allow players to play a character in an imaginary environment led by a game master. The best known is the famous Dungeons & Dragons often abbreviated to D&D.
Whereas the Hermès Trimégiste fanzine was published until now by the Arcadium association (and distributed by Multisim), Multisim has taken up the torch from number 5, for the publication of the 2nd edition of the rules. This fanzine is exclusively dedicated...
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90
Supplement for the contemporary occult role-playing game NEPHILIM Second edition of the Multisim editions. This booklet is part of a series of 22 volumes which make up the Great Codex of the Adopted and which propose to explore in depth the Major Arcana...
Languages : French
Release Date : January 1996
Supplement for the contemporary occult role-playing game NEPHILIM Second edition of the Multisim editions. This booklet is part of a series of 22 volumes which make up the Great Codex of the Adopted and which propose to explore in depth the Major Arcana...
Languages : French
Release Date : January 1996
The 4-panel (portrait format) soft cardboard game screen provides the Game Leader with all the useful tables and rules: resolution table, potential table, ephemeris of the week and year, occult city information, occult science rituals, battle progress,...
Languages : French
Release Date : January 1996
First supplement on incarnations which describes the time of the Arthurian myth (5th century AD). Its purpose is to offer the Nephilim the possibility to relive their memories or to manage flashbacks. With this in mind, a new rule element - the Mnemos...
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90
This 120-page hardcover supplement is intended for both Game Masters and Players. It features optional rules for combat, social class and psychology, magic equipment and advanced rules for firearms in the Old World of Warhammer, new character careers...
Languages : French
Amount : from €99.00
This 104-page black & white softcover quarterly fanzine features articles on snow elves (new race), new careers (antique dealer, librarian, cartographer, vampire hunter, dragon rider, detective, diplomat, sewer worker, farmer, galley slave, gondolier,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90
The rulebook for the second edition of the occult role-playing game. The atmosphere of Nephilim is based, as most role plays take place in a contemporary context, on a resumption of the known history. However, this one presents an unusual coherence and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €40.00
When Atlantis sank, pieces came off. One of these pieces, the focal point of the various magic fields, drifted and fixed itself on a secret entrance to Hades. This island, by its peculiarities, was the scene of elementary wars and knew an exceptionally...
Languages : French
Amount : from €27.58