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250 / 394 - 4,727 results

Origins: First Builders - Ancient Wonders Rulebook


They came to this planet, and they chose you. Their wisdom and resources uplifted you and allowed you to prosper. Having mastered their ways of culture, science, and warfare, you are now ready to take on a new challenge. Under the watchful eye of the builders, your abilities will be tested, and your efforts rewarded.

3.71 Mo - In English 2.71 Mo - In French

Origins: First Builders Rulebook


1. Place the Main board in the middle of the table. 2. Place all Resources (Gold, Wisdom, Food, and Stone) next to the Main board to form a common stock 2A. For a game of 2/3/4 players, leave 2/1/0 Citizen dice of each color in the game box. Place the remaining Citizen dice next to the Main board 2B. 3. Shuffle the Bonus Action tiles, and place one at random under each Encounter Site on the Main board...

4.73 Mo - In English 5.83 Mo - In French

Orléans: Invasion Rulebook


Set up the game according to the base game rules with the following changes: Remove the “Beneficial Deeds” board from the game and replace it with the “Prosperity” board, featuring 16 Events and 3 Beneficial Deeds. Place a neutral Marker as a Round Counter on Event and move it forward at the end of each round.

1.21 Mo - In English 6.43 Mo - In French

Orléans Rulebook


You are trying to achieve dominance in various areas in medieval France. You will get goods, coins, and victory points via production, trade, development, and by committing to the common good.

2.37 Mo - In English 5.92 Mo - In French

Orléans: Stories Rulebook


Orléans Stories leads you through different eras and stories where you need to master various challenges. Each story is complete in itself, and each is different; but what they all have in common is that players have to stride through successive game stages – eras – and, along their way, face varied challenges. Once a player proceeds to the next higher era, the conditions change. In addition, each...

8.23 Mo - In English

Orléans: Trade & Intrigue Rulebook


This expansion heats up the competition among the players by adding four new game elements as well as additional place tiles for more variety and enjoyment.

510.06 Ko - In English 866.99 Ko - In French

Orthodingo CE1 Manuel Pédagogique


Le jeu pédagogique Orthodingo est un outil ludique créé par l’orthophoniste Emilie Faye. Le jeu permet d’améliorer l’orthographe des élèves dès le CE1. Chacune des 3 règles nécessite un meneur de jeu. Le meneur de jeu a la réponse de l’énigme, lit les indices et refuse ou valide les réponses des joueurs.

362.41 Ko - In French

Orthodingo CE1 Règle


Avec Orthodingo, vous allez pouvoir jouer à 3 jeux faciles d’orthographe pour toute la famille.

118.11 Ko - In French

Orthodingo CE2 Manuel Pédagogique


Le jeu pédagogique Orthodingo est un outil ludique créé par l’orthophoniste Emilie Faye. Le jeu permet d’améliorer l’orthographe des élèves dès le CE2. Chacune des 3 règles nécessite un meneur de jeu. Le meneur de jeu a la réponse de l’énigme, lit les indices et refuse ou valide les réponses des joueurs.

372.31 Ko - In French

Orthodingo CE2 Règle


Avec Orthodingo, vous allez pouvoir jouer à 3 jeux faciles d’orthographe pour toute la famille. Les jeux proposés permettent tous de jouer des parties rapides (moins de 10 minutes).

101.85 Ko - In French

Oscar & Max Rulebook


The youngest player starts, then play continues in a clockwise direction. When it is their turn, each player chooses a piece, points their finger at it, and says the name of the animal that they think is on the other side: a parrot, a hippopotamus, or a zebra. Then they turn the piece over.

940.90 Ko - In English 940.52 Ko - In French

Osmooz: Couples Règle


Poste un avis sur internet, parles-en à tes potes et sur les réseaux sociaux ! Ça fait toujours plaisir. D’ailleurs, mets sur Insta une photo de ton moment Osmooz en nous taguant (@osmooz_ et #osmooz) et pour te remercier on t'enverra une petite surprise (promis c'est pas une blague, on va réellement t'envoyer un petit cadeau !).

332.03 Ko - In French

250 / 394 - 4,727 results