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293 / 394 - 4,727 results

Sagrada: 5-6 Player Expansion Rulebook


This expansion includes everything you need to add up to 2 more players to your Sagrada experience. All the Standard Rules from the base game can be played as normal, with a small exception that the new Private Objectives will be needed in a 6-player game.

667.05 Ko - In English 1.35 Mo - In French

Sagrada: Passion Rulebook


Return to the famous Sagrada Familia cathedral in Sagrada: Passion, the first of the three Great Facades expansions. This modular expansion revels in artistic freedom—add everything inside or handpick individual components to enhance your crafting experience.

918.84 Ko - In English 844.93 Ko - In French

Sagrada Rulebook


You are an artist competing with fellow artists to create the most beautiful stained glass window in the Sagrada Familia. Your glass pieces are represented by dice, which have a color and a shade - indicated by the values on the dice (the lower the value the lighter the shade).

2.50 Mo - In English 3.21 Mo - In French

Sailing Toward Osiris Rulebook


Pharaoh is dead and his funerary barge sails slowly down the Nile toward his tomb, where his spirit will stand before the judgement of Osiris. Pharaoh had no offspring so tradition holds that the Governors of the land be tasked with building monuments to Pharaoh’s glory so that Osiris will favor his spirit in the afterlife. Accordingly, Pharaoh’s successor will be the Governor who builds the greatest...

936.07 Ko - In English 1.84 Mo - In French

Sail to India Rulebook


It is the Age of Discovery! With the Mediterranean under Osman Turkish control, the Portuguese are looking for alternative routes to the East Indies, moved by the trade of gold, spices and other goods. Better ships and general centralization of power help push the Portuguese out into the Atlantic, and explorers like Prince Henry, Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama took to the sea.

739.32 Ko - In English 765.41 Ko - In French

Saint-Pétersbourg Rulebook


This version of Saint Petersburg is an entirely reworked new edition of the game released 10 years ago. We have set up these rules so that they are useful to both players new to the game as well as those who already know the original game.

3.64 Mo - In English 4.91 Mo - In French

Saint Seiya: Deckbuilding - Asgard Règle


La boîte de jeu Saint Seiya Deck Building est nécessaire pour jouer à cette extension. L’extension Asgard inclut un mode de jeu 1 joueur (page 8) et de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour le mode de jeu classique. Il est recommandé d’intégrer le contenu de cette extension après quelques parties avec la boîte de base.

3.66 Mo - In French

Saint Seiya: Deckbuilding FAQ


Ushio à la Cloth marine. L’effet de la carte ne s’applique que pour chaque Héros de rang commun.

2.08 Mo - In French

Saint Seiya: Deckbuilding - Poséidon Règle


Les jeux Saint Seiya Deck Building et Saint Seiya Deck Building Asgard sont nécessaires pour jouer à cette extension. L’extension Poséidon inclut un mode de jeu Coopératif (page 6) et du nouveau contenu pour le mode de jeu classique. Il est recommandé d’intégrer le contenu de cette extension après quelques parties avec la boîte de base.

3.34 Mo - In French

Saint Seiya: Deckbuilding Règle


Athéna est menacée par le grand Pope et les Chevaliers soumis à son pouvoir sont prêts à en découdre !

6.90 Mo - In French

Saladin Rulebook


Each title in this series will feature a legendary medieval leader and two battles highlighting them. Saladin, first game in the series, recreates the famous battles of Hattin and Arsuf where Saladin was opposed by the Crusader hosts of Guy de Lusignan and then those of Richard the Lionheart.

1.39 Mo - In English 1.42 Mo - In French

Saline Règle


Nous sommes dans les années 1770, en pleine saison estivale dans le village de Selak en bordure de l’océan Atlantique. La saison bat son plein et vous allez devoir travailler dur pour devenir le paludier (travailleur récoltant le sel dans des marais salants) le plus prestigieux du royaume. Vous devez créer votre saline (marais salants) en achetant des oeillets (bassin d’évaporation) au marché et les...

9.56 Mo - In French

293 / 394 - 4,727 results