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13 / 394 - 4,727 results

WINK: Nid d'Espions Règle


Vous êtes des agents infiltrés à l’étranger et devez vous faire connaître discrètement de vos contacts sur place. Quoi de mieux que la semaine de Carnaval, son défilé international, sa foule colorée et ses déguisements du monde entier pour opérer sous couverture ? On vous a donné le descriptif de vos correspondants, la tâche semble simple... mais attention à ne pas être repéré par les services de...

607.90 Ko - In French

Wingspan Rulebook


You are bird enthusiasts—researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors—seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your aviary. Each bird extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your habitats. Each habitat focuses on a key aspect of the growth of your aviary.

4.76 Mo - In English 17.88 Mo - In French

Wingspan: Oceania Expansion Rulebook


In this second expansion to Wingspan, we feature the colorful and awe-inspiring birds of Oceania. The Oceania bird cards are designed to be shuffled into the bird cards from the base game, with or without other expansions. This expansion includes new player mats and a new food type, allowing players to explore different strategies in this new environment. It also includes new bonus cards and more...

5.98 Mo - In English 4.46 Mo - In French

Wingspan: Oceania Expansion Automa Rulebook


Automa treats this new type of card as any other bird card. If she takes a card with a Game End power, she doesn’t gain anything extra from it at the end of the game.

2.14 Mo - In English

Wingspan: European Expansion Rulebook


In this first expansion to Wingspan, we increase the scope of the world to include the regal, beautiful, and varied birds of Europe. These birds feature a variety of new powers, including “round end” powers, powers that increase interaction between players, birds that can cover multiple spaces to make future actions more profitable, and birds that benefit from excess cards/food. The European birds...

3.86 Mo - In English 4.03 Mo - In French

Wingspan Automa Rulebook


When you don’t have the time, option, or desire to get a gaming group together, don’t worry—we have you covered. The following rules allow for you to play Wingspan against an artificial opponent, called the Automa.

1.12 Mo - In English 3.21 Mo - In French

Wingspan Appendix Rulebook


Starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise, choose a habitat on your player mat (all habitats are always available) and places an action cube on the leftmost exposed slot in that row to take 1 of the following 4 actions.

836.16 Ko - In English 2.98 Mo - In French

Wildtastic Five Règle Multilingue


Des parcs animaliers désespérément vides ? Plus pour longtemps... Lancez les dés et c’est parti ! Des offres alléchantes et des échanges astucieux vous permettront d’attirer rapidement les animaux chez vous. Qui aura la bonne tactique pour remplir son parc animalier en premier ?

1.87 Mo - In Czech 1.87 Mo - In German 1.87 Mo - In French 1.87 Mo - In Hungarian 1.87 Mo - In Slovak

Wild Space Rulebook


A new Galaxy has just been discovered on the borders of the Empire ! Commanding your spaceship, you go explore this new Eldorado, full of treasures and mysteries… Your discoveries will allow you to build your crew. Hire Specialists from all species. Benefit from Robots help. Catch Empire emissaries attention, for them to entrust you with important missions.

2.09 Mo - In English 981.31 Ko - In French

Wild: Serengeti Rulebook


Welcome to the Serengeti. One of the Earth's most precious natural heritage sites where millions of wild animals graze, hunt, and thrive. The Good Comet Society, the world's largest and most prestigious non-profit scientific organization, is holding a contest to promote environmental conservation. We invite YOU and other talented directors to produce the greatest wildlife documentary ever filmed -...

6.26 Mo - In English 2.27 Mo - In French

Whoowasit? Rulebook


A wise king protects his castle and its people from the evil wizard with his magical ring. The king’s men inform him that the evil wizard is approaching. He looks for his ring but discovers that it has disappeared! The evil wizard put a spell on someone to steal it.

1.91 Mo - In English 1.09 Mo - In French

Whoosh: Bounty Hunters Rulebook


Cute monsters have appeared all over the Kingdom. More and more villagers, mesmerized by their astounding cuteness, become their victims. With most of the army in the North fighting invading enemies, the King has turned to Bounty Hunters like you to help him deal with this strange new threat.

709.21 Ko - In English 546.31 Ko - In French

13 / 394 - 4,727 results