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15 / 394 - 4,727 results

Alone Intro Rulebook


Year 2417. After the discovery of the ORCS space-contraction technology, that enables ad-hoc space stations to compress the vast emptiness of space, acting as a sort of “star gate” that allows ships to travel over the span of light years in mere instants, humanity has been colonizing new planets for the last couple of centuries.

7.66 Mo - In English

Alphabet Puzzle: Montessori Rulebook


Children assemble the large illustrated puzzle and learn to recognise their first words and the alphabet, also thanks to the original shaped letters that are inserted vertically in self-corrective manner. The game is inspired by Maria Montessori’s method and by her “3 times” lesson, which favours a spontaneous type of learning that is completely natural.

119.29 Ko - In English 120.01 Ko - In French

Alphabet Tactile et Phonétique: Montessori Règle


Les activités suggérées ci-dessous s’inspirent de la méthode de Maria Montessori parce qu’elles favorisent l’apprentissage de l’alphabet en privilégiant le canal sensoriel. En effet, les enfants développent leur conscience phonémique et affinent leur capacité à associer les sons et les lettres, qui représente la base de l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture, au travers d’images et de signes...

173.21 Ko - In French

Alphabet Tactile: Montessori Règle


Le matériel fourni dans la boîte est conçu pour familiariser les enfants avec la lecture et l’écriture de manière efficace. Grâce au support tactile des lettres en relief, qu’ils peuvent tracer avec le doigt, ils développent leur conscience phonémique et associent les sons aux symboles graphiques correspondants au cours d’activités qui engagent aussi bien le toucher que la vue et l’ouïe.

329.83 Ko - In French

Althing Rulebook


The King of the Vikings is dying without leaving a successor. It has been five generations since the Old Dobbryk’s clan shared Odin’s table in his Asgard palace. Everything is now called into question. Only the Troll clan supporting the Viking King has the distinct honor of entertaining and advising the Father of all Gods. That night his daughter Bodryka, like so many other young Trolls, will take...

702.85 Ko - In English 717.26 Ko - In French

Altiplano Rulebook


You are in the South American highlands, somewhere between the high mountain ranges of Bolivia and Peru. An altitude of more than 3,000 meters imposes tough demands on the people to utilize the scant vegetation for their needs.

2.76 Mo - In English 6.63 Mo - In French

Altiplano: The Traveler Rulebook


A traveler wanders through the South American highlands, bringing new ideas and assets from his journeys to anyone who meets him. At his public trading point, you can acquire rare goods in exchange for precious pink opals.

1.80 Mo - In English 1.69 Mo - In French

Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea Rulebook


Darjeeling is a town and a municipality in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is located in the Lesser Himalayas and is noted for its tea industry, the spectacular views of Kangchenjunga, the world‘s third-highest mountain, and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.

9.46 Mo - In English 10.76 Mo - In French

Amazones Rulebook


Each player is an Amazon Princess looking to expand her harem of males. Players should be referred to as "Princess XX" . Girls keep their first name, but any male player has to "feminize" his name (Joe->Jane, Roberto->Roberta).

82.57 Ko - In English 821.96 Ko - In French

Amerigo Rulebook


New lands are waiting to be discovered and to provide a new homeland – rich with valuable resources – ffor its settlers. Good planning and clever tactical decisions are needed as the dice tower affects the fate of all players, and only those who monitor the cubes in the dice tower, closely watch their competitors, and keep the dangerous pirates in mind stand a chance of becoming a famous discoverer...

5.14 Mo - In English 5.15 Mo - In French

Amul Rulebook


In the game of Āmul, players are merchants competing for wealth and prestige. Each round, players simultaneously choose one card in their hand and place it in the market. Then, everyone gets to pick one card from the market to place in their hand. Once everyone has picked a card, each player must play a card in their personal play area. But only certain cards score when played on the table and others...

6.30 Mo - In English 1.77 Mo - In French

Amun-re Rulebook


In ancient Egypt, ages and generations rise and fall under the watchful eyes of Amun-Re. Leading a royal family, you will contend with the other families to acquire provinces, build grand temples and pyramids, and cultivate your fields as the capricious Nile permits. At the end of Egypt’s classical era, history will revere only one name above all others.

3.28 Mo - In English 2.04 Mo - In French

15 / 394 - 4,727 results