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12 / 394 - 4,727 results

Air Mail Rulebook


1925, the US Congress passes the new Air Mail Act also known as the Kelly Act. The Postmaster General will now contract commercial airline companies to carry mail. Step into the shoes of an aviation tycoon and manage one of these companies competing for the contracts to establish and operate the first air mail service.

1.81 Mo - In English

Airships Rulebook


It took a long time until work could begin on the majestic airships. But now great leaps of progress are being taken – hangers are being built, engineers taken on and engines constructed.

1.10 Mo - In English

Akropolis Rulebook


At the heart of the Mediterranean, rival cities seek wealth and glory. The most talented architects in ancient Greece stand ready to achieve this goal. Build housing, temples, markets, gardens and barracks, so you can grow your city and ensure it triumphs over the others. Raise its prestige with harmonious planning that conforms to specific rules, and enhance it by building plazas.

1.79 Mo - In English 2.36 Mo - In French

Akrotiri Rulebook


It all began with a simple map—a map said to lead to a legendary Minoan temple. Investigating the matter further, you’ve decided to set forth on the Aegean Sea. And it would appear you were not alone in this quest for fame...

3.36 Mo - In English 4.52 Mo - In French

A l'Abri des Arbres Règle Multilingue


4 amis animaux de la forêt cherchent une solution pour récupérer leurs trésors… En effet, un oiseau leur a volé et les a cachés dans ses nids tout en haut à la cime des arbres. Les 4 amis décident de se faufiler en toute discrétion dans la forêt, sous les feuilles à l’abri des regards, afin de reprendre leurs trésors sans que l’oiseau ne le découvre. Avec l’aide de malicieuses souris, les joueurs...

6.56 Mo - In German 6.56 Mo - In English 6.56 Mo - In Spanish 6.56 Mo - In French 6.56 Mo - In Italian 6.56 Mo - In Dutch

Alcatraz: The Scapegoat Rulebook


Alcatraz: The Scapegoat is a cooperative board game for 3–4 players which features a unique traitor mechanism. The players take the roles of prisoners who are planning to escape from Alcatraz together. But it is known in advance that not everyone is going to succeed…

645.85 Ko - In English 1.36 Mo - In French

Alchemists Rulebook


I received my new cauldron today. Finally, my laboratory is complete! For days, I have been gathering and drying ingredients in anticipation. What shall I mix first? I have a strong hunch about raven’s feather and mandrake root. And they say you can never go wrong with a toad.

13.57 Mo - In English 13.91 Mo - In French

Alchemists: The King's Golem Rulebook


What could my colleagues be doing? For weeks they have been shut up in their laboratories, emerging only for clandestine visits to the palace library. Could it be that they are also working on the king's puzzle?

11.46 Mo - In English 11.57 Mo - In French

A l'École des Fantômes: Le Jeu de Cartes Règle


C’est parti pour la grande séance d’épouvante : les apprentis fantômes doivent montrer s’ils sont capables de bien effrayer les habitants du château en lançant un « bouuh ! » retentissant. Ce n’est pas tâche facile, car il faut juste effrayer certains habitants. Mais celui qui a une bonne mémoire pourra faire peur au plus grand nombre d’habitants et deviendra Maître fantôme.

2.22 Mo - In German 2.22 Mo - In English 2.22 Mo - In Spanish 2.22 Mo - In French 2.22 Mo - In Italian 2.22 Mo - In Dutch

Alhambra: Big Box Rulebook


The best master builders in the whole of Europe and Arabia want to demonstrate their skill. Employ the most suitable teams of builders and make sure that you always have enough of the right currency. Because no matter whether they are stonemasons from the north or horticulturalists from the south, they all want a proper wage and insist on their “native” currency.

3.94 Mo - In English 1.21 Mo - In French

Alhambra: Family Box Rulebook


Players who have the most building tiles of each kind in their Alhambra at the right time – in the scoring rounds – are awarded points, the exact amount depending on the type of building. Players also receive points for the longest part of wall they have built around their Alhambra.

2.71 Mo - In English 1.47 Mo - In French

Alhambra: Power of the Sultan Rulebook


This expansion proposes 4 new modules. Module 1: The power of the Sultan, which allows players to acquire building tiles "in a targeted way, but out of their game. Module 2: The caravanserai is a kind of variable money. Its value increases gradually and can be used at any time. But to obtain it, the Alhambra must have as many different buildings as possible.

959.93 Ko - In English 196.66 Ko - In French

12 / 394 - 4,727 results