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196 / 394 - 4,727 results

Loony Quest Rulebook


In the weird and wonderful world of Arkadia, old king Fedoor has no heir. A grand tournament is being organized, with the throne going to the kingdom’s finest adventurer. Competing champions will travel through seven amazing worlds inhabited by the Loonies: crazy creatures that like nothing better than a good fight…

2.41 Mo - In English 3.02 Mo - In French

Loony Quest: The Lost City Rulebook


The Arkadia championship had barely drawn to a close when the contestants were captured by Vadoor - king Fedoor’s exiled evil brother, who will stop at nothing in his quest for the throne. Aided by the fearsome Rhinoboss, Vadoor has stowed the adventurers in the hold of a pirate ship headed for the open ocean.

692.16 Ko - In English 2.91 Mo - In French

Looterz Rulebook


A legendary dungeon, full of gold and treasures, has suffered an unexpected turn of events: The big, bad-breathed, evil (and all the other terrifying adjectives you can think to add) Dragon that lived there got bored and decided it was time to stretch his wings.

2.72 Mo - In English

Loot Island Rulebook


1640 A.D. A ghastly curse befell a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean... just because it could.

8.67 Mo - In English 8.69 Mo - In French

Loot N Run Rulebook


Each player chooses two matching Scoring tokens. Place one on the 0 space of the scoring track (inside the box). Keep the second one in front of you as a reminder. Shuffle all Room cards. Split them into 2 equal decks. Leave space for a discard pile. The player who last saw a B-movie mummy goes first.

426.44 Ko - In English 350.35 Ko - In French

L'or de Captain Black Règle


Sur la mystérieuse île Noire, quatre courageux aventuriers découvrent un sac rempli de pièces d’or et décident de se les partager. Mais d’étranges pièces noires se sont glissées parmi les pièces d’or. Les aventuriers ne leur accordent aucune importance et s’en débarrassent sans s’inquiéter. Et pourtant ! Ils ignorent que ce trésor appartient à Captain Black, le plus redoutable pirate qui ait jamais...

1.65 Mo - In German 1.65 Mo - In English 1.65 Mo - In Spanish 1.65 Mo - In French 1.65 Mo - In Italian 1.65 Mo - In Dutch

L'or de Paco Règle


Zut alors ! Les pirates ont enfi n réussi à dégager le trésor tant convoité, et voilà que Paco, le singe effronté, vient leur voler le coffre rempli du trésor ! Une folle course commence pour récupérer des précieuses pièces appelées ducats*. Mais attention : dans cette course, il faut être un pirate non seulement rapide mais aussi futé pour récupérer le trésor.

2.05 Mo - In German 2.05 Mo - In English 2.05 Mo - In Spanish 2.05 Mo - In French 2.05 Mo - In Italian 2.05 Mo - In Dutch

Lord of the Rings Rulebook


The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien, is a story of personal growth and the fight of good versus evil. Sauron, the Dark Lord, creates a powerful magic Ring to gain control over Middle-earth and the Shire, the home of the small hairy-footed folk known as Hobbits.

5.25 Mo - In English

L'Ordre de Veiel: Chapitre 1 - La Fureur du Roi Règle


Il y a quatre-vingt-dix ans de cela, bien avant ma naissance, Ednel était une région mourante. Un fléau ravageait les campagnes et les villes, emportant hommes, femmes et enfants. Les nouveau-nés furent les premiers à succomber, leurs peaux noircissant avant de se nécroser sous le regard impuissant des parents. Puis, le mal se répandit, un désastre incoercible qui mena mon pays natal au bord de l’extinction...

5.28 Mo - In French

Lords of Hellas: City of Steel Rulebook


Note! The components of this expansion are designed for 6-player games and cannot be used if there are less players (although Hector could replace any Hero from the base game). As a large number of players causes more downtime, this expansion is best suited for experienced players. City of Steel requires the use of the Atlantis and Poseidon expansions.

2.49 Mo - In English 1.70 Mo - In French

Lords of Hellas Rulebook


With the fall of the Mycenaean empire, the age-old might and culture of ancient Greece collapsed and Hellas was mired in chaos and ruin. A time came that no chronicle would document.

10.51 Mo - In English 9.42 Mo - In French

Lords of Scotland Rulebook


The throne of Scotland lies empty and the clans fight each other to lay claim to it. As a Lord of Scotland, you are gathering the loyalty of clans by showing your prowess in battle. Gather enough support and you will be able to claim the throne and be crowned king.

700.96 Ko - In English 974.29 Ko - In French

196 / 394 - 4,727 results