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222 / 394 - 4,727 results

Mito Règle Multilingue


Il est interdit de tricher… sauf dans ce jeu ! Il s’agit ici de se débarrasser le premier de toutes ses cartes en les posant et en trichant astucieusement.

1.35 Mo - In German 1.35 Mo - In English 1.35 Mo - In French 1.35 Mo - In Italian 1.35 Mo - In Dutch 796.09 Ko - In French

Miyabi Rulebook


Japanese style gardens are an elegant form of art expression through nature. Nothing is left to chance. Everything is planned down to the last detail. Become a Japanese style garden designer and create your own place of calm. You’ll skillfully place stones, bushes, ponds, and pagodas on multiple levels within your garden to become the best garden designer of the season.

3.21 Mo - In English 3.23 Mo - In French

Mmm! Rulebook


Hi, I am Charlie, the house mouse. My wife Carlotta and I are hosting a big family gathering – and everyone is coming! I really want to make sure that everybody will have enough to eat during their stay - so I have to start gathering a supply! However, to be honest: I do not think I can do that on my own!

2.46 Mo - In English 2.01 Mo - In French

MOB: Big Apple Rulebook


NYPD responded to gunfire in Little Italy Saturday night, and arrived at a gruesome scene. The sidewalk was slick with the blood of six dead bodies, and the front window of a beloved restaurant, Maricelli’s Cucina, was destroyed. The dead men are members of the notorious Mencina crime family, and suspected of producing, transporting, and selling liquor in violation of the National Prohibition Act...

2.50 Mo - In English 2.49 Mo - In French

Modern Art Rulebook


These cards are the paintings that will be auctioned in that first round. For now, players will just be auctioning off the paintings. Their Museums do not own them. The remaining cards won’t be used until the next round.

4.09 Mo - In English 1.71 Mo - In French

Mombasa Rulebook


In Mombasa, players acquire shares of chartered companies based in Mombasa, Cape Town, Saint-Louis and Cairo and spread their trading posts throughout the African continent in order to earn the most money. Chartered companies were associations formed for the purpose of exploration, trade and colonization, which links them inextricably to a very dark chapter in human history: global colonialism.

9.03 Mo - In English 6.21 Mo - In French

Momiji Règle


Au cours des derniers mois de l'année solaire, les arbres se parent de vives teintes rouge, orange et jaune. Cette alliance de temps doux et de vues saisissantes fait de l'automne l'un des moments les plus remarquables au Japon. La brise fraîche, la danse des feuilles tombant des érables et les animaux se préparant à hiberner créent une ambiance romantique qu'aucun visiteur ne pourra oublier.

20.43 Mo - In French

Monasterium Rulebook


In the early Middle Ages – the heyday of ecclesiastical power – no less than five monasteries were built in a beautiful valley, designating themselves to spread the Word of God. As the dean of a cathedral school, you try to accommodate the novices entrusted to you in the monasteries and thus establish a distinguished reputation. You send novices, according to their talents, to the monastery buildings,...

2.29 Mo - In English 6.31 Mo - In French

Mondo Rulebook


Every player fashions his own world full of exotic animals and a variety of landscapes with the help of tiles and a board. While doing so, it’s important to keep a sharp eye on the time and the other players, because everything happens simultaneously until the timer runs out. Whoever is able to jump out at the right time can reap a couple more bonus points. After three turns, the player who has collected...

2.53 Mo - In English 1.60 Mo - In French

Monique Règle


Monique est un jeu d'ambiance absurde d'associations de mots qui vous promet de passer des soirées délirantes ! On distribue 4 à 5 cartes chacun, suivant le nombre de joueurs. Les cartes restantes forment une pioche. Le premier joueur pose une carte face visible de son choix et la lit à voix haute, exemple "Chèvre". 4 choix s'offrent à vous : 1. Poser une carte Mot face visible sur la précédente.

1.76 Mo - In French

Monkey Klash Règle


Perchés dans les arbres, ils guettent le signal qui les autorisera à se jeter dans la mélée pour chiper le fruit de leur convoitise. Parfois, ils s’en tirent sans encombre, mais plus souvent, il leur faudra accepter de partager. Selon la bonne vieille loi du plus fort...

637.06 Ko - In French

Monkey Temple Rulebook


In a magnificent ancient temple, the tourists are often robbed by annoying kleptomaniac monkeys. The guardians of the temple are desperate: if they fail to properly return stolen objects to their respective owners, they will be fired!

272.84 Ko - In English 270.33 Ko - In French

222 / 394 - 4,727 results