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259 / 394 - 4,727 results

Pekin Express Règle


Pékin Express, le jeu, est une course dans laquelle les joueurs se déplacent à travers l’Asie ou l’Europe, pour atteindre l’arrivée en premier et collectionner le plus d’amulettes possible. Mais attention, seul le plus riche remportera la partie.

1.46 Mo - In French

Pelegrinus Rulebook


XIIth century ... never have so many pilgrims been travelling around the Christian Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. To face the dangers of such journeys, monastic orders are structured in order to help and guide travelers. At the head of one of them, spread your influence. Build commanderies accross the continent, then setlle powerful abbeys in order to assert your power in the different regions.

2.23 Mo - In English 2.18 Mo - In French

Pelican Cove Rulebook


Game idea and aim of the game: At night while everyone is asleep, the animals of Australia are transformed in to dream birds that flutter in a wild dance around the sacred mountain Uluru. Each of the eight different birds has a very special dream of what they would like to do. Players try to help each bird fulfill their particular dream to make them happy because birds with unfulfilled dreams will...

196.86 Ko - In English 117.28 Ko - In French

Pengo Jump Rulebook


It’s the perfect weather to play on the ice chunks! The wind is pushing pieces of ice so it’s really fun to hop around! The penguins are having a wonderful time! Oh no, the sun is setting already and we need to get back home! Quickly now, hop from one ice chunk to the other to join everyone on the iceberg before nightfall!

1.94 Mo - In English 873.85 Ko - In French

Pengoloo Règle Multilingue


Bienvenu au pôle sud! Nos pingouins sont prêts à jouer avec vous. Lancez les dés colorés et trouvez les œufs correspondants cachés sous les pingouins. Le premier joueur à recueillir six pingouins avec ses œufs sur son iceberg a gagné. De la mémoire et un peu de chance vous permettront de remporter cette excitante expédition au pôle sud.

777.82 Ko - In German 777.82 Ko - In English 777.82 Ko - In Spanish 777.82 Ko - In French 777.82 Ko - In Italian 777.82 Ko - In Dutch 777.82 Ko - In Portuguese 777.82 Ko - In Russian

Penny Papers Adventures: The Skull Island Rulebook


Equipped with a pencil (not included) and an Adventure sheet, all players use the same result from a die roll to explore a location more thoroughly than the other contestants.

377.48 Ko - In English 370.79 Ko - In French

Penny Papers Adventures: The Temple of Apikhabou Règle


Équipés d’un crayon (non fourni) et d’une fiche Aventure, tous les joueurs disposent du même résultat d’un jet de dés pour explorer un lieu plus efficacement que leurs concurrents.

410.62 Ko - In French

Penny Papers Adventures: The Temple of Apikhabou Rulebook


Equipped with a pencil (not included) and an Adventure sheet, all players use the same result from a die roll to explore a location more thoroughly than the other contestants.

414.89 Ko - In English

Penny Papers Adventures: The Valley of Wiraqocha Rulebook


Equipped with a pencil (not included) and an Adventure sheet, all players use the same result from a die roll to explore a location more thoroughly than the other contestants.

375.93 Ko - In English 373.86 Ko - In French

Pentaquark Rulebook


Some of the biggest questions in the world of science may be answered by studying quarks, the smallest of particles. The problem with trying to study quarks is that you can’t find just one quark; you need to find them in groups called hadrons, or some other exotic particles, like the Pentaquark.

946.11 Ko - In English

Pentos Règle


C’est la grande fête annuelle de la sorcellerie et vous participez à son traditionnel tournoi des apprentis sorciers ! Il vous faudra rivaliser d’ingéniosité pour composer des potions à l’aide d’ingrédients magiques. Goûter ces potions peut permettre de lancer de puissants sortilèges…

464.60 Ko - In French

Perladöra Rulebook


The people of Pearladöra have one great treasure: the Pearls from their lagoons that are highly coveted by the Divers. The various groups (Fishermen, Foragers, Children and Elders) are gathering their best Divers. The fight for the best Pearls is about to start!

3.52 Mo - In English 2.39 Mo - In French

259 / 394 - 4,727 results