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266 / 394 - 4,727 results

Ploufette en Mission Règle


Ploufette, la grenouille, regrette l’époque où il n’y avait que la boule dorée de la princesse qui tombait dans son étang sous les fenêtres du château. Depuis quelques temps, il y a des ploufs sans arrêt ! Les habitants laissent échapper beaucoup d’objets des fenêtres : la servante ne trouve plus sa pelote de laine, la bille dorée de la princesse a disparu, le magicien cherche désespérément sa boule...

10.98 Mo - In German 10.98 Mo - In English 10.98 Mo - In Spanish 10.98 Mo - In French 10.98 Mo - In Italian 10.98 Mo - In Dutch

Pluckin' Pairs Rulebook


There are six rounds. In each round you will lay out eleven PICTURE CARDS and players will attempt to pair them up based on themes or relationships or other connections they make.

350.96 Ko - In English 213.53 Ko - In French

Pocket Madness Rulebook


You must get rid of all your Location cards as quickly as possible, by melding sets of identical cards or sets of different cards, in order to avoid descending into madness. The game plays out over several rounds, during which you must avoid descending into madness.

699.12 Ko - In English 662.95 Ko - In French

Pocket Ops Rulebook


Pocket Ops is quick to learn, because you already know how to play; If you've played Tic-Tac-Toe before, you have the basics: place markers in a grid, trying to get three in a row. But wait! The simple gamechanging twist with Pocket Ops is that before you make a move, the other player gets to secretly predict where you are going to go.

408.31 Ko - In English 388.73 Ko - In French

Point Salad Rulebook


Point Salad is a card-drafting and tableau-building game for 2–6 players. Players take turns building a salad of veggies and collecting point cards in order to score the most points for the ingredients in their salad!

7.91 Mo - In English 307.37 Ko - In French

Polar Party Règle


Liesbeth Bos et Anja Dreier-Brückner sont des auteurs de jeux à succès depuis 20 ans. Anja vit en Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie avec sa famille et Liesbeth vit aux Pays-Bas avec ses enfants. Elles prennent le plus grand plaisir à inventer des jeux ensemble : c’est particulièrement gratifiant lorsqu’une de leurs idées de jeux communes est publiée.

2.58 Mo - In French

Polynesia Rulebook


From a purely mechanical standpoint Polynesia is a pretty abstract game. However, that doesn’t mean I picked the theme at random. About 30,000 years ago people started to migrate eastwards and settle on the islands of the Pacific. This was no small feat, since they didn’t use any maps or compasses to do so. Instead, the seafarers were very observant, navigating using the colour of water, the direction...

4.15 Mo - In English 1.89 Mo - In French

Polyssimo: Challenge Rulebook


Preparing to play: Place the wooden pieces in the centre of the table so that everyone can see them. You can separate the coloured pieces from the black and white ones to make choosing the pieces easier.

353.90 Ko - In English 353.22 Ko - In French

Polyssimo Rulebook


How to play: Place the 11 pieces and the base on the table with the challenge cards to one side. Draw a challenge card and position the imposed pieces on the base as shown on the card. Then try to arrange the remaining pieces, grooved side up, in order to fill the base without any part of a piece sticking out beyond the edge of the square. For each challenge, there is only one possible combination.

248.02 Ko - In English 247.34 Ko - In French

Pompiers à vos Tuyaux ! Règle Multilingue


Pin-pon, pin-pon, voilà les pompiers ! Ils arrivent juste à temps, car sur le champ du fermier Rudi, les bottes de paille sont en flammes ! Les pompiers commencent aussitôt à éteindre le feu, mais les tuyaux d‘eau sont complètement mélangés. Le premier qui arrive à dérouler son tuyau jusqu‘au foyer de l‘incendie pourra crier « De l‘eau ! » et recevra en récompense une médaille d‘honneur des sapeurs-pompiers....

1.75 Mo - In German 1.75 Mo - In English 1.75 Mo - In Spanish 1.75 Mo - In French 1.75 Mo - In Italian 1.75 Mo - In Dutch

Pontu Règle


Isolez tous les lutins de vos adversaires ! Chacun leur tour, les joueurs doivent déplacer un de leur pion d'une case en passant par un pont. Ensuite ils enlèvent un pont de leur choix. Deux pions ne peuvent pas se trouver sur une même case. Le premier joueur qui n'a plus de pont autour de tous ses pions est éliminé. Dans le cas ou le pion d'un joueur ne peut pas bouger (ex : un pion adverse bloque...

662.03 Ko - In French

Pony Express Rulebook


Between 1860 and 1861, the Pony Express was the only express delivery service crossing the North American continent from St Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California. The riders, brave, and sometimes even a little stamped are then ready to do anything to deliver their mail in less than 10 days - but things start to spoil when the telegraph arrives on the scene. The riders are then in the lead to...

1.46 Mo - In English 1.50 Mo - In French

266 / 394 - 4,727 results