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268 / 394 - 4,727 results

Pouss' Poussins Règle


Retourner la première carte de la pioche et la poser au centre de la table si la table est ronde ou au centre de la table si la table n’est pas ronde. Au top départ, la joueuse (ou le joueur) qui dit le plus vite trois noms de crottes commence la partie*. Si les joueurs n’arrivent pas à se départager, le plus jeune joueur commence. Les joueurs jouent dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre.

239.52 Ko - In French

Power Grid: Benelux/Central Europe Rulebook


Due to the large coal deposits in Poland, the resource market and supply is quite onesided for the plants in Central Europe. Additionally, Austria and Poland refuse to use nuclear power. Players are only allowed to use this type of plant if their networks are present in at least one of the other three countries.

48.11 Ko - In English

Power Grid: Factory Manager Rulebook


Welcome to the world of the entrepreneurs. In Factory Manager, each player has a factory and tries to earn as much money as he can during the game. Thus, at the end the player with most money wins. To do so, a player must plan carefully, effectively use his workers and acquire the best machines and robots, and operate his factory efficiently. A player must also keep track of his factory’s energy consumption...

580.60 Ko - In English 265.43 Ko - In French

Power Grid: France/Italy Rulebook


Currently France has an emphasis on nuclear power. This is reflected in the game by a larger supply of uranium and faster access to the first nuclear power plant. The capital city of Paris is the largest metropolis in the country. Paris is represented as a “triple” city, which makes it an interesting target for power plant owners, but too much emphasis on Paris may be an incautious player's undoing!

457.12 Ko - In English 74.49 Ko - In French

Power Grid Rulebook


Each player represents a company that: pays for power plants it wins in auctions, pays for the resources required to operate their plants, pays to connectcitiesto its growing network, and earns income when operating its plants to power its cities.

280.83 Ko - In English 69.51 Ko - In French

Power Grid: Russia & Japan Rulebook


The market for power plants is restricted in Russia. Additionally, the standard rules for exchanging out of date power plants are changed, forcing the leading players to completely rethink their strategies.

695.31 Ko - In English 48.27 Ko - In French

Power Grid: The Card Game Rulebook


The players represent CEOs of mighty power companies producing electricity. During the game, the players bid for power plants at auctions and supply them with resources. Their income depends on the amount of electricity produced in each round. At the end of the game, the player who produces the most electricity wins the game.

1.11 Mo - In English

Power Grid: The First Sparks Rulebook


As clan leaders, players are responsible for the well-being of their clans during the Stone Age. They need to develop new hunting technologies and get new knowledge to successfully hunt food or to learn to control fire. With the help of these skills, the players will harvest enough food to feed their clans and to spread far enough to reach new hunting areas.

3.80 Mo - In English 1.63 Mo - In French

Power Grid: The New Power Plant Cards Rulebook


The basic rules for Power Grid are the same. In the following, only the changes and characteristics of the power plant cards are explained. We have added a payment summary card, so that every player in 6 player games will have one. The play order summary was not included, because all cards were printed language neutral.

136.86 Ko - In English

Power Grid: The Robots Rulebook


Two players have a new opponent for their games: the robot acts as an additional player. Thanks to his different actions and special abilities, he is a strong opponent. The players manage the robot‘s »decisions«, and can use him to act against the other player(s). With this expansion, Power Grid is an exciting and fun experience for 2 players!

3.35 Mo - In English 367.26 Ko - In French

Power Grid: The Stock Companies Rulebook


The expansion The Stock Companies can only be played with a copy of Power Grid (Rio Grande Games, 2004) or a copy of Power Grid deluxe (Rio Grande Games, 2014). The rules of Power Grid and Power Grid deluxe remain the same, except for the following modifications and special features of this expansion.

1.03 Mo - In English

Power Plants Rulebook


Every wizard in the neighborhood knows that the best spell components are grown fresh. Unfortunately, there is just one particular plot of fertile soil in the area that is the best for growing magical plants. Everyone agrees to “share” the garden, but you have a plan; your loyal team of Sprites will use the powers of the plants to infiltrate the garden as it grows, so that when everything is in full...

2.31 Mo - In English

268 / 394 - 4,727 results