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279 / 394 - 4,727 results

Rallye Trucks Règle


Avis à tous les pilotes : redressez votre siège et faites vrombir votre moteur ! Vous disputez aujourd’hui une course avec votre rallye truck gigantesque et allez tenter de remporter la coupe de cette course mémo originale. Celui qui souhaite être le premier à franchir la ligne d’arrivée à deux reprises doit en avoir sous le capot, mais aussi disposer d’une bonne mémoire.

1.71 Mo - In German 1.71 Mo - In English 1.71 Mo - In Spanish 1.71 Mo - In French 1.71 Mo - In Italian 1.71 Mo - In Dutch

Rallyman: GT - Championship Rulebook


Rallyman: GT’s Championship mode is a series of 8 races in which players accumulate points based on their finishing position for each track. At the end of the Championship, the player with the most points can claim the podium, bragging rights and champagne!

11.50 Mo - In English 11.52 Mo - In French

Rallyman: GT Rulebook


Welcome to Rallyman GT, a fast-paced racing game that will have you pushing your luck to win! Will you push your car to its limits to leave your opponents in the dust, or will you play it safe to avoid spinning out? Start your engines...

19.37 Mo - In English 19.41 Mo - In French

Rallyman: GT - Team Challenge Rulebook


Welcome to Team Challenge ! This expansion for Rallyman : GT allows you to race with up to 12 cars and use brand new racing modes such as figure 8 and pursuit!

13.63 Mo - In English 13.63 Mo - In French

Rallyman: GT - World Tour Rulebook


Hit the road and challenge your opponents on new tracks inspired by famous circuits from around the world! The World Tour expansion brings 12 new tiles to use in creating 10 new tracks or giving you even more options when creating your own!

19.75 Mo - In English 19.76 Mo - In French

Ramba Zamba Règle


Alors que les vers de terre pataugent dans les flaques d’eau et oublient que les poules ne sont résolument pas leurs amies, les renards partent à la chasse aux poules ... Et il va de soi que les chiens ne sont pas enchantés !

2.19 Mo - In French

Rapa Nui Rulebook


Sculpt, transport, and erect moai to gain resources, then transform these resources into offerings by adding headdresses to the statues. Whoever has accumulated the most valuable offerings at the end of the game wins!

3.76 Mo - In English 3.77 Mo - In French

Rapidcroco Rulebook


As quickly as possible identify a certain number of suspects, according to the criteria that are defined by the central computer of the Police force.

23.88 Ko - In English 1.26 Mo - In French

Rapido Règle Multilingue


L’Escadaria Selarón au cœur de Rio de Janeiro est un escalier en carreaux de faïence très colorés, une œuvre d’art et une attraction touristique. Il sert aujourd’hui de cadre au fantastique concours de dés appelé RAPIDO.

1.27 Mo - In German 1.27 Mo - In French

Raptor Rulebook


Our advance scouts came back wounded, but they confirmed the rumors: dinosaurs still exist! A female velociraptor lives on this island with her children. We’ve seen five so far, but there might be more. Our mission: Capture at least three live baby raptors.

654.16 Ko - In English 2.97 Mo - In French

Rat-a-Tat Cat Rulebook


Choose one player to be the dealer. The oldest player can be the scorekeeper. The scorekeeper will record each player's score at the end of each round of play. Shuffle the deck. The player to the left of the dealer cuts the cards.

135.54 Ko - In English 829.97 Ko - In French

Rat Hot Règle


Il s'agit de placer l'une à côté de l'autre, aussi souvent que possible, les mêmes épices de sa couleur. Car cela fait gagner chaque fois des points. Mais chaque joueur doit faire attention aux rats car si trop de rats de sa couleur montrent leur nez, le jeu se terminera prématurément !

337.28 Ko - In French

279 / 394 - 4,727 results