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276 / 394 - 4,727 results

Race for the Galaxy: Alien Artifacts Rulebook


When a huge, mysterious Alien Orb is found near a dwarf star, rival survey teams are sent to explore its interior and retrieve valuable Alien artifacts. Can you build the most prosperous and powerful space empire while discovering Alien secrets?

607.86 Ko - In English 331.50 Ko - In French

Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs Imperium Rulebook


As the Imperium crushes outlying systems, Rebel worlds begin to ally, politically and militarily. Meanwhile, the Uplift Code, within the genomes of the Alien Overlords’ former servitor races, is being sequenced.

274.55 Ko - In English

Race for the Galaxy Rulebook


Explore, Settle, Develop, Trade, Consume, or Produce? Which do you need the most? Which of Earth’s former colonies will be most successful at settling the galaxy, now that JumpDrive exists? Who will discover the secrets of the mysteriously vanished Alien Overlords? Your goal: to build the most prosperous and powerful space empire!

1.04 Mo - In English 499.73 Ko - In French

Race for the Galaxy: The Brink of War Rulebook


As conflicts spread, galactic prestige becomes all-important, both to extract concessions and to fend off attackers. Meanwhile, the Alien departure point is located and the Uplift Overseers arise. Can you build the most prosperous and powerful space empire in a galaxy on the brink of total war?

560.83 Ko - In English 389.14 Ko - In French

Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm Rulebook


As knowledge of JumpDrive spreads, an ancient race stirs, while another fl ees a world doomed by a dying sun. Th e Imperium grows in strength, provoking further resistance and the hiring of mercenaries. Can you build the most prosperous and powerful space empire in a galaxy edging towards war?

329.59 Ko - In English 1.29 Mo - In French

Race for the Galaxy: Xeno Invasion Rulebook


After settlers encounter a violent xenophobic race, the “Xenos”, the galaxy finds itself under assault. No negotiation is possible. Long-lost Alien secrets may hold the key to defeating these attacks. Can you build the most prosperous and powerful space empire while defending it from Xeno invasions?

568.60 Ko - In English 967.20 Ko - In French

Race to the New Found Land Rulebook


Randomly take one player sheet and place it in front of you. Your player sheet determines which nation you represent during the game.

6.68 Mo - In English

Radlands Rulebook


In Radlands, players will receive a set of three unique camps to protect. You win by destroying all three of your opponent’s camps. The main resource in the game is water. You will spend it to play people and events, and to use the abilities of cards you already have on the table. People protect your camps and provide useful abilities, while events are powerful effects that take time to pay off.

1.60 Mo - In English 2.85 Mo - In French

Rafle de Chaussettes: Jeu de Cartes Règle


Un jeu de recherche rapide comme un monstre, pour 2 à 6 joueurs de 4 à 99 ans. Avec variante pour chercheurs de chaussettes expérimentés ! Dans l‘armoire, tout est sens dessus dessous : le monstre aux chaussettes a tout retourné ! Seul celui qui observera bien et sera rapide pourra trouver les bonnes chaussettes qui forment une paire.

2.24 Mo - In German 2.24 Mo - In English 2.24 Mo - In Spanish 2.24 Mo - In French 2.24 Mo - In Italian 2.24 Mo - In Dutch

Rafle De Chaussettes: Mini Règle Multilingue


Dans l’armoire tout est sens dessus-dessous : l’impertinent monstre aux chaussettes a tout retourné ! Il est temps maintenant de partir à la recherche de toutes nos chaussettes ! Celui qui sera rapide et réunira 4 paires assorties gagnera la partie.

1.17 Mo - In German 1.17 Mo - In English 1.17 Mo - In Spanish 1.17 Mo - In French 1.17 Mo - In Italian 1.17 Mo - In Dutch

Rafle de Chaussettes Règle


Dans l’armoire, tout est sens dessus dessous : le monstre aux socquettes a tout retourné ! Seul celui qui observa bien et sera rapide pourra trouver le plus possible de paires de socquettes. Qui va réussir à récupérer le plus possible de paires de socquettes et aura ainsi trois pinces à linge en récompense ?

1.33 Mo - In German 1.33 Mo - In English 1.33 Mo - In Spanish 1.33 Mo - In French 1.33 Mo - In Italian 1.33 Mo - In Dutch

RagnaRok Star Rulebook


Odin has promised a place in Valhalla to whichever band gives. The greatest rock concert of all time. The bands of vikings can really rock, but they don’t have any fans. « By Thor’s hammer, that can’t be! We’ll have to rock them with some sick beats!».

12.53 Mo - In English 12.54 Mo - In French

276 / 394 - 4,727 results