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283 / 394 - 4,727 results

Ricochet: A la poursuite du Comte Courant Règle


30 énigmes successives vous présentent l’aventure loufoque d’une équipe d’agents secrets. Chaque énigme est constituée d’un dialogue dont il faut découvrir la dernière phrase pour comprendre l’histoire, Pour la trouver, le ou les joueurs (en collaborant) doivent résoudre une grille de 25 mots dont la plupart doivent être cachés par des «galets». Pour les placer, les joueurs doivent trouver des couples...

403.46 Ko - In French

Ricochet: Le Profil de l'Homme sans Visage Règle


Ricochet est un jeu solo ou collaboratif de déduction et d’associations d’idées. 30 énigmes à résoudre vont vous plonger dans une histoire d’agents secrets loufoques.

187.54 Ko - In French

Ricochet: Quand Satan Brouille l'Écoute Règle


Ricochet est un jeu solo ou collaboratif de déduction et d’associations d’idées. 30 énigmes à résoudre vont vous plonger dans une histoire d’agents secrets loufoques.

355.11 Ko - In French

Ricochet Robots Rulebook


The object of the game is to collect a certain number of target chips. In order to obtain a target chip, you must move a robot to the corresponding target space in fewer moves than any other player. What’s special about this is that you first have to find a solution in your mind.

414.34 Ko - In English 10.95 Ko - In French

Riff Raff Règle Multliingue


Le capitaine Œil de Loup ne se soucie guère des pirates. Pour éviter que l’une de ces « jambes de bois » ne s’approche trop près de sa cargaison, il la cache en hauteur, sur les vergues. Mais avec ceƒ e manière originale de protéger ses trésors, même certains vieux loups de mer redeviennent de simples moussaillons et perdent l’équilibre à peine franchi le milieu du mât. Tous les coff res en suspension...

1.69 Mo - In German 1.69 Mo - In English 1.69 Mo - In French 1.69 Mo - In Italian

Riftforce: Beyond Règle


En inspectant plus profondément la faille, vous découvrez un passage vers un monde insoupçonné. Embarquez pour un voyage vers l’inconnu. Rencontrez de nouveaux alliés et surmontez de formidables challenges.

2.13 Mo - In French

Riftforce Rulebook


The Rifts changed our world. Villages were torn apart, the Riftforce emerged and spread across the land. What once seemed lifeless began to rise and awake. Flames leapt from campfires and waves poured out of their riverbeds. Even the sun and moon left their footprints in the ground.

1.66 Mo - In English 2.20 Mo - In French

Ringmaster: Welcome to the Big Top Rulebook


In this game, you compete to build the best Carnival and thus become the RingMaster. You will do this by playing Stars and Attractions, while occasionally throwing a few dirty tricks and wacky sideshows at your opponents to make sure your Circus is the best!

970.75 Ko - In English 3.65 Mo - In French

Rings Up ! Règle Multilingue


Rings Up! vous propose plus de 50 défis originaux pour affronter vos amis. Chacun vous demandera rapidité, observation et agilité pour être le meilleur.

795.23 Ko - In German 795.23 Ko - In English 795.23 Ko - In Spanish 795.23 Ko - In French 795.23 Ko - In Italian 795.23 Ko - In Dutch 795.23 Ko - In Portuguese 795.23 Ko - In Russian

Río de la Plata Rulebook


In 1536 Pedro de Mendoza founded the city of Buenos Aires along the Rio de la Plata river. After five years, the settlers were forced to leave the city exhausted by difficulties and the continuous attacks from the Querandies natives. A few days later that city was burnt and destroyed. About 50 years later, Juan Garay leads a new expedition and the city of Buenos Aires is built again.

1.43 Mo - In English 4.87 Mo - In French

Rise of Augustus Rulebook


After the assassination of Julius Caesar on March 15, 44 BC., his adopted son Gaius Octavius decides to return to Rome. Very early on, he displays his ambition for political domination. In 31 BC., he is in sole control. In 28 BC., the Senate grants him the title of Princeps senatus, first member of the Senate to speak on a topic laid before the assembly. In 27 BC. he receives the title of Augustus,...

3.88 Mo - In English 5.34 Mo - In French

Rise of Tribes: Beasts & Bronze Rulebook


Beasts & Bronze contains two separate modules that can be played together, separately, or with other modules. The Beasts module introduces new creatures to the Events, and it creates a more interactive experience with the animals of Rise of Tribes. The Bronze module includes a new path to victory. Players may choose to continue to win by gaining 15 points first, or they can be the first to discover...

4.91 Mo - In English 949.80 Ko - In French

283 / 394 - 4,727 results