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296 / 394 - 4,727 results

Save the Dragon Règle Multilingue


La légende est formelle … le prince ou la princesse qui arrivera à libérer le dragon rendra sa gloire au royaume. Mais ce dragon est retenu par des mages diaboliques qui lancent d’énormes rochers pour les empêcher de monter. Zigzaguez, protégezvous derrière un bouclier et soyez le premier à délivrer le dragon !!!

1.01 Mo - In English 1.01 Mo - In French

Save the Meeples Rulebook


The Meeple War, this eternal fight, has long been over. Meeples are now free and living happily in Meeple-land (the exact location of Meeple-land is strictly confidential for safety reasons that we hope you understand).

11.44 Mo - In English 11.50 Mo - In French

Save the Treasure of Fairy Tales Rulebook


Kai Haferkamp was born in Oldenburg in 1967. A lawyer by profession, these days he lives in Osnabrück. He has had a passion for children’s games ever since he was a young boy. He has a special talent for turning literary subjects into children’s games.

965.89 Ko - In English 1.62 Mo - In French

Scarabya Règle Multilingue


Voilà qu’un nouveau mystère agite la communauté archéologique : un étrange symbole, très ancien, a été retrouvé. Il représente un mystérieux scarabée et semble être présent aux quatre coins du globe dans différents sites archéologiques.

1.90 Mo - In German 1.90 Mo - In English 1.90 Mo - In Spanish 1.90 Mo - In French 1.90 Mo - In Italian 1.90 Mo - In Dutch 1.90 Mo - In Portuguese 1.90 Mo - In Russian

Scarface 1920 Rulebook


The wind was brushing against his face. The noise of the engine was giving him a certain peace of mind. He was at ease. For the first time in many years. And he suspected he wouldn’t be able to enjoy this anytime soon.

6.65 Mo - In English

Schatz der Drachen Rulebook


Treasure crates, diamonds, candlesticks and many toys are hid by the small Dragon ago in their cave. In order to discover these treasures, you need to turn over tiles on the cave soil. You can go forward if you discover treasures.

97.58 Ko - In English 137.81 Ko - In French

Schau mal! Was ist anders? Rulebook


The two sides of each card show almost the same pictures. Sometimes the flower is closed, sometimes open. Sometimes the sun is behind a cloud, sometimes above it.

326.06 Ko - In English 277.54 Ko - In French

Schotten Totten 2 Rulebook


The day started out so calm. A log on the fire, haggis on the plates, then... BLAM! A muffled bang made the entire castle shake and knocked over your glass of single malt! Unacceptable! As usual, your neighbor has decided it’s time for you to move out! Look at him down there, persistently attacking your wall. Seems like it’s time to add a little oil to your relationship. The boiling variety seems...

5.72 Mo - In English 5.77 Mo - In French

Schotten Totten Rulebook


A warm spring breeze flows through the Scottish valley as the birds begin to sing and the snow slowly melts away. Your precious village is slowly uncovered and the stones that define your territory begin poking through.

4.96 Mo - In English 4.24 Mo - In French

Schummel Hummel Règle Multilingue


Interdiction de tricher ? Non ! Pas à ce jeu ! Il s’agit ici de se défaire en premier de toutes ses cartes en les posant intelligemment et en trichant adroitement.

937.83 Ko - In German 937.83 Ko - In English 937.83 Ko - In French 937.83 Ko - In Italian 442.76 Ko - In French

Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion Rulebook


1. Hand out the Narrative Books between as many different players as possible so that more people can participate in looking up results. If you’re playing with younger children, you may opt to read for them, or challenge them a bit! 2. Place the stack of Map Tiles face-down in numerical order. 3. Place the deck of Clue Cards face-down in numerical order, next to the Map Tiles. 4. Place the Character...

2.91 Mo - In English

Scooby-Doo! The Board Game Rulebook


Jinkies! A monster has been seen in the city, terrorizing the local population! The people are fleeing as quick as they can pack their bags. It’s up to the Scooby Gang to save the day. Can they win the race against time and capture the monster before it frightens the whole city away?

4.42 Mo - In English 2.52 Mo - In French

296 / 394 - 4,727 results