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299 / 394 - 4,727 results

Sequence Rulebook


Object of the game : One player or team must score TWO SEQUENCES before their opponents. A Sequence is a connected series of five of the same color marker chip in a straight line, either up and down, across or diagonally on the playing surface.

10.60 Ko - In English 9.53 Ko - In French

Serenissima Rulebook


Take control of a 15th century Mediterranean nation.

999.93 Ko - In English 984.69 Ko - In French

Set a Watch Rulebook


The Kingdom is in grave danger. Powerful enemies are conspiring to resurrect the vile and powerful Unhallowed that your party has just slain. Now you, the mighty Adventurers of the land, must visit these summoning locations and defeat the hordes of Creatures behind this evil plot. It falls to four humble Adventurers, each of whom has a unique set of skills, to band together once more and vanquish...

1.73 Mo - In English 1.07 Mo - In French

Set a Watch: Swords of the Coin Rulebook


The Kingdom is in grave danger once again and there is no one left to deal with the Unhallowed threat. The crown has been forced to enlist the Swords of the Coin mercenary guild to gather champions from outside the realm.

1.70 Mo - In English

SET Rulebook


The goal of the game is to observe the cards on the table to be the fastest to identify a SET. Each card has symbols that combine 4 characteristics: COLOR (red, green or mauve), SHAPE (oval, wave or diamond), NUMBER (one, two or three symbols), FILL (full, hatched or empty). A SET is a set of 3 cards, each of the 4 characteristics is either totally identical or totally different to the other 2 cards.

151.71 Ko - In English 87.81 Ko - In French

Settlement Rulebook


For a long time these places have been known for their riches: dense forests, boundless meadows, and clear lakes. However, there are rumors of monsters inhabiting there and attacking careless wanderers who dare to disturb them. These realms are also mentioned in ancient prophecies. It is said that the brave settler who would build the best outpost here would become the ruler of this land!

2.15 Mo - In English 2.15 Mo - In French

Settlers: Naissance d'un Empire Mode Campagne


Le mode campagne de Settlers : Naissance d’un Empire est une variante solo qui consiste à jouer plusieurs parties à la suite, les points de victoire (PV) accumulés à chaque partie vous permettant de gagner des avantages durant les suivantes.

625.46 Ko - In French

Shabadabada Règle


Pour commencer, les joueurs se répartissent en deux équipes, de minimum deux joueurs chacune. Les cartes "Mots" sont ensuite triées face blanche / face noire puis battues. Les joueurs en tirent onze et les placent en pile afin de former une pioche. Ils écartent les autres cartes qui ne seront pas utilisées au cours de la partie. La première équipe est désignée aléatoirement.

10.85 Ko - In French

Shabada Règle


L’une des équipes retourne la 1re carte Mots et doit trouver un extrait de chanson contenant l’un des 2 mots indiqués. Il faut chanter au moins quelques mots. On peut chanter un extrait français ou un extrait anglais. C’est ensuite à l’équipe adverse de trouver un autre extrait avec un mot de la même carte (soit en français, soit en anglais).

223.23 Ko - In French

Shadow Hunters: Extension Personnages Règle


Cette petite extension introduit pas moins de 10 nouveaux personnages avec leurs nouvelles capacités inédites ! Ces personnages peuvent remplacer, s’ajouter ou se mélanger aux anciens selon votre envie, créant de fait un grand nombre de combinaisons et d’interactions.

830.64 Ko - In French

Shadow Hunters Rulebook


“Shadow Hunters” is a survival board game where three groups of characters, “Shadow”, “Hunter” and “Neutral” (civilians) struggle against each other to survive. The “Shadow” group are the dwellers in the demon world and the “Hunter” group’s goal is to destroy all the “Shadow” group members. Civilians are innocent people who happen to be in the middle of the battle.

1.46 Mo - In English 1,023.59 Ko - In French

Shadows: Amsterdam Rulebook


Amsterdam, present day. A crime has been committed, but the police investigation is going nowhere. An anonymous client has called your detective agency to investigate. However, your rivals are on the case as well, so there’s no time to waste.

1.86 Mo - In English 1,009.59 Ko - In French

299 / 394 - 4,727 results