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301 / 394 - 4,727 results

Shards of Infinity: Shadow of Salvation Rulebook


Shards of Infinity: Shadow of Salvation is an expansion for Shards of Infinity. To use Shadow of Salvation in combination with the classic gameplay of Shards of Infinity, simply shuffle the 12 standard black-bordered Cards into the Center Deck. You may also use Rez as a 5th possible starting Hero, including his two unique Relics.

1.24 Mo - In English

Shazamm ! Règle


The game board represents a bridge that two wizards are going to borrow at the same time! At the beginning of the game, each player takes a wizard figurine and the material that goes with it: his 15 spell cards, his mana disc and the marker of his color.

1.66 Mo - In French

Sheep Hop Règle


La journée se termine, les moutons ont hâte de retrouver leur enclos si douillet. Mais attention ! Deux loups patrouillent sur le chemin de la bergerie dans l’espoir d’attraper les brebis égarées… Serez-vous assez malins pour ramener le troupeau à bon port ? Pour gagner, amenez dans leur enclos plus de moutons que les loups ne pourront en capturer !

1.01 Mo - In French

Sheepy Time Rulebook


1. Place the Game board in the center of the table within easy reach of all players. Place the Fence in the Game board between the 10 and 1 spaces. 2. Place the Scoreboard near the Game board. Find the Pillow Reference tile that corresponds to the number of players in the game and place it above the Scoreboard.

20.15 Mo - In English 1.72 Mo - In French

Sheriff of Nottingham Rulebook


An exciting game of bluffing, corruption and smuggling! As a merchant, you want to make as much profit as possible with your merchandise, but you will have to start by getting under the nose of Nottingham's famous Sheriff! Fun, fast and challenging, Sheriff of Nottingham will become a staple of any gaming night.

3.98 Mo - In English 13.93 Mo - In French

Sherlock: Case Connection Rulebook


In Sherlock: Case Connection, you are a detective investigating a crime. Collect proof, make connections between threads, and use this evidence to reconstruct the leads that you are pursuing. Solve the nefarious plots that Sherlock has discovered as you strive to become the world's next greatest detective. Stay determined, and you might even overcome the master himself!

4.10 Mo - In English 4.64 Mo - In French

Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective - Carlton House & Queen's Park Rulebook


Welcome to the streets of London in the Victorian era. The fog is spreading, crime runs rampant, and you, one of the Baker Street Irregulars, are here to lead the investigation… In A Study in Scarlet, Watson introduces the Baker Street Secret Police Section to us for the first time. This group of “half a dozen of the dirtiest and most ragged street urchins that I ever clapped eyes on,” under the leadership...

6.60 Mo - In English 3.09 Mo - In French

Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective - Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures Rulebook


As early as 1888, in The Sign of Four, Wiggins had become a young man, and his group of Baker Street Irregulars had doubled. “They go everywhere, see everything , hear all that is said,” declared Holmes. Wiggins had become a vital collaborator to the world’s greatest consulting detective.

6.09 Mo - In English 6.10 Mo - In French

Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective - The Thames Murders & Other Cases Rulebook


Welcome to the streets of London in the Victorian era. The fog is spreading, crime runs rampant, and you, one of the Baker Street Irregulars, are here to lead the investigation… In A Study in Scarlet, Watson introduces the Baker Street Secret Police Section to us for the first time. This group “of half a dozen of the dirtiest and most ragged street urchins that I ever clapped eyes on”, under the leadership...

3.57 Mo - In English 9.21 Mo - In French

Sherlock Holmes: Détective Conseil - Bureau of Investigation Règle


Au cours de l’hiver 1927-1928, l’ancien port de pêche d’Innsmouth, dans le Massachusetts, fit l’objet d’une enquête étrange et confidentielle menée par des agents fédéraux. Le public ne l’apprit qu’en février, à l’occasion d’une importante série de rafles et d’arrestations, suivies de l’incendie et du dynamitage en règle d’un très grand nombre de maisons délabrées, vermoulues et supposées vacantes,...

3.29 Mo - In French

Sherlock Holmes Rulebook


Welcome to the Victorian-era streets of London. The fog spreads, crime is lurking, and you, one of the Baker Street Irregulars, are there to lead the investigation...

3.15 Mo - In English 671.24 Ko - In French

Sherlock: Q System Rulebook


Each "Q System" game consists of 32 cards, each card being a clue. Each index can meet the needs of the survey ... or not. Only common sense, the spirit of deduction and the overlapping of information will allow you to find the answers: who is the culprit? what is the motive? how did he act?

588.48 Ko - In English 400.85 Ko - In French

301 / 394 - 4,727 results