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300 / 394 - 4,727 results

Shadows over Camelot: Merlin's Company Rulebook


As a battle-tested knight with the experience of many a campaign, you thought that the lands around Camelot had no more secrets in store, and that vanquishing the forces of Evil might become mere child's play.

2.56 Mo - In English 2.05 Mo - In French

Shadows over Camelot Rulebook


An unladen swallow flies across the gray skies of Cornwall… The forces of evil are gathering around Camelot.

6.44 Mo - In English 5.78 Mo - In French

Shadows over Normandie: Achtung! Cthulhu Rulebook


The Normandy countryside in this wonderful summer 1944 ... The sun shines, daisies bloom. In the early morning, the machine guns make their romantic tactac sound. Thousands of men will fight and die, brave or cowardly, hero or simply man ...

4.90 Mo - In English 4.95 Mo - In French

Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Call #2 Rulebook


This document contains the rules for the Cthulhu Mythos - Call 2 expansion pack and the rules for the Shadows over Normandie Kickstarter exclusive punchboard from the Heroes of Normandie, strategic resupply.

554.59 Ko - In English 572.17 Ko - In French

Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Call One Rulebook


Some thought that with the destruction of the village Deep, peace had returned to Normandy and the shadows of Madness had dispersed.

3.33 Mo - In English 3.51 Mo - In French

Shafausa Rulebook


The Shafausa dwarves dug under the falls of the Rain River to expand and prosper. During their search, the little men of the North discovered resources, more or less rare, which allowed them to enrich themselves thanks to a stock exchange system set up in Zuriga by the vampires who invited to these negotiations different factions of Helvétia.

1.77 Mo - In English 5.27 Mo - In French

Shahrazad Rulebook


Shahrazad is a game where one player will work alone, or two players will work together, to tell the best stories and impress the King! There are twenty-two story tiles in the game, representing twenty-two different folk tales from around the world, and two scoring tiles.

1.50 Mo - In English 1.45 Mo - In French

Shakespeare Backstage Rulebook


Préparez vous au succès et à une nouvelle saison de théâtre avec la première extension de Shakespeare !

715.50 Ko - In English

Shakespeare Rulebook


The theaters of London are abuzz. In one week, her majesty the Queen will attend their new shows and will grant her support to one of the troupes.

2.20 Mo - In English 2.20 Mo - In French

Shamans Rulebook


Shamans is a trick-taking game that lasts a variable number of rounds. Each round represents a lunar cycle, during which Shamans and Shadows face off. Each round, the players will be divided secretly and randomly between the two teams, Shamans and Shadows. Indeed, this means that the teams change from round to round.

1.71 Mo - In English 606.83 Ko - In French

Shards of Infinity: Into the Horizon Rulebook


The shards have awoken, their twisted voices whispering into the minds of the Shard Masters, stoking the flames of war with every word. Rez, trained to resist the shard’s corruption, watched as the other masters grew more paranoid and violent, watched as their armies swelled, and tensions rose.

814.20 Ko - In English 1.17 Mo - In French

Shards of Infinity Rulebook


Engineered with the ability to warp reality, The Infinity Engine was humanity’s greatest achievement. Corrupted by this immense power, the Engine’s creators subjugated the nations of the world. After a millennium of slavery, a resistance rose up and destroyed the device. The veil of reality was torn open as shards of the engine rained down upon the cities of mankind, grinding civilization to dust.

3.40 Mo - In English 2.02 Mo - In French

300 / 394 - 4,727 results