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321 / 394 - 4,727 results

Sultan Rulebook


In the magnificent Palace of the Sultan, precious gems are put on offer round for round. Every player attempts to acquire the most valuable jewel collection in order to impress the Sultan and become his new treasurer.

270.79 Ko - In English 79.11 Ko - In French

Summoner Wars: Master Set Rulebook


It was Ret-Talus, the lord of the Fallen Kingdom, who found the first Summoning Stone. The stone bestowed its power onto the dark hearted king, changing him into the first of the Summoners.

2.82 Mo - In English 1.39 Mo - In French

Summoner Wars Second Edition Rulebook


It was Ret-Talus, the lord of the Fallen Kingdom, who found the first Summoning Stone. The stone bestowed its power onto the dark-hearted king, changing him into the first of the Summoners.

3.22 Mo - In English 8.14 Mo - In French

Sumo Gnomes Rulebook


Each player takes four Action dice and one Gnome die. Place the boards so that you have an Action/Reserve area in front of you and a tree trunk between you, then place your Gnome on the start position closest to you . Now you are ready to wrestle!

1,010.61 Ko - In English 264.22 Ko - In French

Sumoku Rulebook


In all sumoku games, tiles must be arranged in a crosswordstyle pattern such that each row and column adds up to a multiple of the key number. The key number is the number rolled on the die.

288.06 Ko - In English 1.67 Mo - In French

Sun and Moon Rulebook


All cards are shuffl ed well and provided as a covered stack. Each player draws 5 cards from the stack and keeps them in hand. The youngest player begins and puts one card down. Game play is then continued clockwise one after the other.

976.98 Ko - In English 4.68 Mo - In French

Sunflower Valley Rulebook


Your goal is to settle a mountain valley using special dice. Place houses in the valley and connect them with railroads to gain victory points. You will gain additional points for cheering up villagers by planting sunflowers at the base of the mountains. Remember that the villagers also need sheep.

1.11 Mo - In English 907.74 Ko - In French

Sunny Day Rulebook


In Sunny Day, players place tiles to complete as many pictures as possible. Players collect tiles with completed pictures and place them in front of them to complete new pictures in their personal area. Points are awarded for each tile and each completed picture. Points can be earned more efficiently by completing Ice Cream and Sun pictures.

2.62 Mo - In English 2.62 Mo - In French

Sun Tzu Rulebook


The game is played over a maximum of 9 rounds. The winner will be either the player to reach the maximum score at the end of the 3rd or 6th round or whoever has the most points at the end of the 9th round.

809.32 Ko - In English 812.03 Ko - In French

Super Cluedo Règle


A l'issue d'une réception dans sa villa, le Docteur Lenoir est trouvé assassiné. Le cadavre a été traîné au pied de l'escalier menant à la cave. Le but du jeu est de résoudre, par déductions successives, l’énigme posée par ce crime.

25.00 Ko - In French

Super Comics Règle


Il existe deux façons de jouer à SUPER COMICS. Une première, plus classique, où chacun joue à son tour, et une seconde, plus explosive, où tout le monde joue en même temps. Nous vous suggérons cette dernière version en présence de plus de 10 héros.

83.90 Ko - In French

Super Dungeon Explore Arcade Mode Rulebook


The book you hold in your hands is the rulebook for Super Dungeon Explore: Arcade Mode. In Arcade, all players assume control of a Hero and the Consul is automated through the use of unique arcade monster cards and commands drawn from the Arcade Command Deck.

12.28 Mo - In English

321 / 394 - 4,727 results