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318 / 394 - 4,727 results

Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game Rulebook


The Rebel Alliance fights valiantly against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. Each new victory brings the Rebels hope, and each heroic sacrifice strengthens their resolve. Still, the Empire’s resources are vast and the firepower of its Imperial Navy is unmatched. With neither side willing to accept defeat, their war rages across the galaxy…

3.96 Mo - In English

Star Wars: X-Wing - Le Jeu de Figurines Résumé des Règles


Placement des vaisseaux : à maximum 1 de portée de son côté dans l’ordre croissant des valeurs de Pilotage (si valeurs égales, le joueur avec l’initiative commence – le joueur impérial par défaut).

272.39 Ko - In French

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Rulebook


Welcome to X-Wing, an exciting, fast-paced dogfighting game set in the Star Wars universe. In X-Wing, two players take control of X-wings, TIE fighters, and other ships from the Star Wars universe and pit them against each other in thrilling, tactical space combat. The player who destroys all of his opponent’s ships wins the game!

1.61 Mo - In English

Star Wars: X-Wing v2 QuickStart


This QuickStart Guide teaches you the fundamental rules of the second edition of Star Wars: X-Wing so you can start playing immediately. Read pages 1–2, then start your first game. Once you are comfortable, read pages 3–4 and add their rules to your game.

1.01 Mo - In English 1.01 Mo - In French

Star Wars: X-Wing v2 Rulebook


Your T-65 X-wing’s engines roar as you swerve into the asteroid field, skirting debris and fragments of past battles. You snap your S-foils shut and flare the thrusters, boosting through a narrow gap between two drifting, ponderous asteroids. As you clear the field, the worried clicks of your faithful astromech and the flash of lasers alerts you to the TIE fighters ahead. You set your S-foils to attack...

3.71 Mo - In English 4.08 Mo - In French

Statues Règle


Mélangez les cartes Thèmes et empilez-les au centre de la table. Vous pouvez jouer la partie avec le côté novice (couleur bleue) ou le côté expert (couleur orange). Le côté novice est bien sûr conseillé pour débuter et pour jouer avec des enfants.

916.36 Ko - In French

Stay Away! Rulebook


07:21:06 - Dr. Campbell: Hello ... Bzzz ... Hello ... Archaeological Research Center of Providence, Rhode Island. Is anyone listening? We haven’t heard from you for days. Can you hear us? Over.

3.43 Mo - In English

Steam Park: Play Dirty Règle


Vous vous souvenez certainement de la joyeuse cité de Robobourg, n’est-ce pas ? Mais si, rappelez-vous : cet endroit rempli de robots travailleurs qui ne disposent que de six jours de repos par an pour s’amuser ? Où un robot doté d’un soupçon d’esprit entrepreneurial peut faire fortune en créant un parc d’attractions ? Et bien, les temps changent !

4.99 Mo - In French

Steam Park: Play Dirty Rulebook


You probably remember the merry town of Roboburg, don’t you? You know: that place full of hard-working robots with only six days off a year to have some fun? Where a robot with a bit of entrepreneurship can make a lot of money by starting a carnival business? Well, the times, they are a-changing!

4.99 Mo - In English

Steam Park Rulebook


In the merry town of Roboburg there’s a annual fair that the entire population looks forward to with great anticipation, a joyful event that lasts for six days. Because the robots of Roboburg work relentlessly for the whole year in stinky steam factories, and when the fair comes they want to have fun!

1.51 Mo - In English 5.02 Mo - In French

SteamRollers Règle Multilingue


SteamRollers est un jeu de draft de dés sur un thème classique de jeu de trains : construisez un réseau de voies ferrées, améliorez vos locos, et livrez des marchandises en ville pour marquer des points. Dans Steam Rollers, les joueurs utilisent tour à tour des dés d'un pool commun pour construire un réseau sur leur carte individuelle. Ils utilisent aussi les dés pour améliorer leurs locos ou acheter...

1.68 Mo - In German 1.68 Mo - In English 1.68 Mo - In French 1.68 Mo - In Dutch

Steam Rulebook


Welcome to Steam™—where you build railroads and deliver goods along an ever-changing network of tracks and stations. You build the tracks, upgrade towns, improve your train, and grab the right goods to make the longest, most profitable deliveries. Score your deliveries and add to your income or victory points, balancing your need to invest against your quest to win the game.

1,014.46 Ko - In English 616.31 Ko - In French

318 / 394 - 4,727 results