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315 / 394 - 4,727 results

Spooky Castle Rulebook


It is shortly before midnight! Little Spooky, a bold junior ghost, wants to join the circle of the grand haunting ghosts today. To succeed, he must pass a spooky admission examination before the witching hour begins! Can you help Spooky and skillfully see him through the Spooky Castle?

2.06 Mo - In English 2.06 Mo - In French

Sprawlopolis Rulebook


Jackhammers chattering, trucks beeping, engines roaring, the sounds of construction are everywhere. Sprawlopolis is growing and YOU are in charge of it all. The last team of planners couldn't cut it, so the city turned to your team, the best of the best. If anyone can turn this tiny town into a thriving civic center it's you.

456.36 Ko - In English 391.66 Ko - In French

Spring Fever Règle


Au début de la partie, chaque joueur reçoit une carte Fleur qu'il pose devant lui. Les autres cartes constituent la pioche. Le premier joueur prend les 4 premières cartes de la pioche. Il peut les garder ou les défausser et en piocher 4 autres. Il pose alors une carte devant lui en annonçant que c'est la carte de plus petite valeur de sa main. Il passe ensuite les 3 cartes restantes à son voisin de...

146.24 Ko - In French

Sprint! Rulebook


The Hare moves forwards the same number of spaces as the Tortoise has just moved. If the Tortoise did not move forward, neither does the Hare. The Hare moves forwards or backwards to whichever Carrot space is closest. If the player flips over a card showing a carrot and the Hare is already on a Carrot space, the Hare doesn’t move.

1.23 Mo - In English 1.23 Mo - In French

Spy Club Rulebook


In Spy Club, you’ll find clues and catch the culprit like your favorite neighborhood detectives. Work together in this cooperative game to confirm clues and uncover the mystery. You can play a single game or a series of games in a campaign.

3.83 Mo - In English

Spy Connection Rulebook


Players take turns in clockwise order. On your turn, take 1 of the 4 Missions on display or use your Agents to create a connection to a new City for your Spy to travel to. If your Spy reaches a City depicted on 1 or more of your Missions, you may place 1 Agent in the area for the respective City on each corresponding Mission card. A Mission is completed when you have Agents in all of the Cities on...

870.86 Ko - In English 1.28 Mo - In French

Spyfall Rulebook


“Loose lips sink ships” is a saying that dates back to the days of WWII. It also represents a vital wartime principle. There were lots of things that could give spies away — rust-free staples in their documents, square-headed nails in the soles of their boots, and so on... This game offers everyone an opportunity to walk a mile in the shoes of both a spy who’s close to having their cover blown and...

3.41 Mo - In English 3.19 Mo - In French

Spy Kid Règle


Spy Kid est un jeu de société inspiré du jeu de Kim décrit par Rudyard Kipling dans un roman de 1901. L’histoire se déroule en Inde. Kim est un orphelin des rues, vif, rusé et ami de tous. Il deviendra espion pour le roi d’Angleterre… Pour entraîner sa mémoire, il observe des pierres précieuses. Puis les pierres sont cachées et il en dresse la liste avec le plus de précision possible. Toi aussi, entraîne...

334.25 Ko - In French

SpyNet Rulebook


This section explains setup for four players. To play with two or three players, see “2–3 Players” on page 7. 1. Divide the players into teams of two, with teammates seated across from each other.

784.20 Ko - In English

Spyrium Rulebook


In Victorian England, the discovery of Spyrium, a mineral with high energetic efficiency and with remarkable properties, revolutionizes industry...

729.07 Ko - In English 722.31 Ko - In French

Squadro Règle Multilingue


Les joueurs disposent chacun de 5 pièces de même couleur. À chaque tour ils vont en déplacer une en respectant sa capacité de déplacement. Le vainqueur est le premier joueur qui parvient à ramener 4 de ses pièces à leur point de départ après leur avoir fait traverser le plateau dans les deux sens.

1.28 Mo - In Bosnian 1.28 Mo - In Czech 1.28 Mo - In German 1.28 Mo - In Greek 1.28 Mo - In English 1.28 Mo - In Spanish 1.28 Mo - In Estonian 1.28 Mo - In French 1.28 Mo - In Croatian 1.28 Mo - In Hungarian 1.28 Mo - In Italian 1.28 Mo - In Korean 1.28 Mo - In Lithuanian 1.28 Mo - In Latvian 1.28 Mo - In Dutch 1.28 Mo - In Portuguese 1.28 Mo - In Romanian 1.28 Mo - In Russian 1.28 Mo - In Slovenian 1.28 Mo - In Turkish 1.28 Mo - In Chinese

sQuizz Règle


Le joueur possédant la plus grande culture générale est le premier lecteur. On alterne ce rôle après chaque question. Chaque joueur sera lecteur le nombre de fois indiqué dans le tableau. Tous les autres joueurs répondent aux questions en même temps.

180.92 Ko - In French

315 / 394 - 4,727 results