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312 / 394 - 4,727 results

Space Gate Odyssey Rulebook


After decades of research and technology development, people are ready to leave Earth. Scientists have spotted a system of 6 Exoplanets, but there is only one way to reach it: Space Gates. For technical reasons, these Gates can be built only in space.

5.28 Mo - In English 3.92 Mo - In French

Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game Rulebook


Fifty metres down this corridor to the launch control ante-chamber, Brother Sergeant. We should be able to reach the control rooms through there. No signs of hostiles detected. Brother Omnio’s auspex retracted into his power fist as he finished his scan.

1.10 Mo - In English

Space Planets Règle


L‘étendue infinie de l‘univers... A bord de vos vaisseaux spatiaux, partez à la découverte de planètes et galaxies lointaines. Envoyez vos sondes et voyagez vers des planètes inconnues pour les explorer. Mais attention à toujours disposer de cristaux de carburant en quantité suffisante pour arriver à destination !

1.41 Mo - In German 1.41 Mo - In English 1.41 Mo - In Spanish 1.41 Mo - In French 1.41 Mo - In Italian 1.41 Mo - In Dutch

SpaceShipped Rulebook


You are an interplanetary trader, flying a second-hand ship, trying to make some cash. A wealthy merchant offered you a lucrative deal. Prove yourself by getting some rare crystals and she'll put you in charge of her trading fleet — one of the biggest in the quadrant. You'll need to get them before your enemy gets them first. What are you waiting for? Get shipping!

854.14 Ko - In English 58.10 Ko - In French

Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery V1 Rulebook


In the game, each player takes on the role of Dominus, the head of a house in Capua, a city in the era of Ancient Rome. Each house is competing for influence. Fight for dominance through a combination of political schemes and glorious battles on the sands of the arena. As Dominus, you have a variety of resources at your disposal. Guards protect you from schemes launched by rivals. Slaves run your...

1.76 Mo - In English 1.09 Mo - In French

Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery V2 Rulebook


In the game, each player takes on the role of a Dominus, the head of a House in Capua, a city in the era of Ancient Rome. Each House is competing for influence. Fight for dominance through a combination of political schemes and glorious battles on the sands of the arena. As Dominus, you have a variety of resources at your disposal. Guards protect you from schemes launched by rivals. Slaves run your...

2.51 Mo - In English

Speakeasy Rulebook


The 20’s, this was the time of Prohibition and its famous Speakeasies. You are the boss of a clan of gangsters. Will you manage to find the Speakeasy of your opponent before he finds yours?

511.61 Ko - In English 508.30 Ko - In French

Specific Règle


Les 27 tuiles Animal sont mélangées et déposées au centre de la table de façon à créer un rectangle de 7 x 4, la tuile Spéciale «?» étant placée au centre. Les tuiles Animal sont posées de manière à ce que leur photo soit visible.

1.03 Mo - In French

Spectaculum Rulebook


You will determine the paths on which four travelling shows journey through an entire kingdom. On their travels, the entertainers are acknowledged with much applause, but may also get some jeers for poor performances. You will determine which shows are worthy of your financial support, but be careful of which entertainers you sponsor - only those with successful shows can help fill your coffers.

757.18 Ko - In English 3.87 Mo - In French

Speculation Rulebook


Each list of share prices corresponds to a particular track segment. To find the price of a share, look on the price list corresponding to the track segment where that company‘s brick is located.

532.18 Ko - In English 534.27 Ko - In French

Speech Contes de Fées Règle


Speech peut être utilisé comme un livre d’histoires nouvelle génération. Tirez quelques cartes, mettez-les dans l’ordre de votre choix et racontez une histoire basée sur les images révélées.

137.59 Ko - In French

Speech Règle


Mélangez les cartes “Images” et faites-en une pile au milieu de la table. Pour compter les points, prenez un crayon et une feuille de papier (distribuer des chips en guise de points pourra aussi faire l’affaire).

304.56 Ko - In French

312 / 394 - 4,727 results