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331 / 394 - 4,727 results

Templari Rulebook


Contents 30 cards showing pieces of armor of Templars with the numbers 0-9 being represented three times; 60 coins; 1 set of instructions. Goal of the Game Score the most points by getting collections, preferably many of the same color. Game Preparations Choose a start player. This person shuffles the deck, then places it face-down. Each player takes 12 coins; this money supply may be kept hidden.

93.59 Ko - In English 972.02 Ko - In French

Templar: The Secret Treasures Rulebook


The Templar Order has been destroyed by Philip the Fair, but a few of the Knights Templar have survived in a small remote abbey. They help the players collect the valuables of the former Order – valuables that had been widely dispersed – and stash them in secret places in the abbey.

703.41 Ko - In English 705.89 Ko - In French

Temple Rush Rulebook


The tradition is as old as the rivalry between the Four Temple Kingdoms. Every summer solstice, the kingdoms’ best builders are sent on a quest to rebuild the region’s ancient temples with a limited supply of building stones. The stakes are high, the challenges intense, and only the smartest builder will return with the precious Temple Diamond.

1.00 Mo - In English

Tem-Purr-A Rulebook


You and your fellow cats are in an eating contest! Over several rounds, pass dishes to your neighbors or dig into the buffet. But above all, watch out for indigestion!

1.01 Mo - In English 892.70 Ko - In French

TEN Rulebook


TEN™ is an exciting push-your-luck and auction game for the whole family! Players draw cards one-at-a-time, trying to add as many as they can without exceeding a total value of TEN, or they bust! Players may push their luck to draw more cards and use currency to buy additional cards in their attempt to build the longest number sequence in each color.

1.87 Mo - In English 6.04 Mo - In French

Tentacolor Règle


Le but du jeu est de former une suite de 5 cartes qui utilisent la même couleur principale (jaune par exemple). À chaque tour, vous piochez une carte, jouez une carte sur votre tentacule puis passez une carte à votre voisin. Chaque tentacule est composé de deux couleurs, (jaune et vert, bleu et violet, etc). Comme vous êtes obligé de jouer, vous devez bien observer les couleurs disponibles dans votre...

2.46 Mo - In French

Teotihuacan: City of Gods Rulebook


Players play as scions of powerful noble families trying to achieve everlasting glory while planning the construction of Teotihuacan. Earn victory points in many ways: seek the favour of the gods, be the greatest architect of the pyramid, and have the most prestigious plots along the Avenue of the Dead! May the gods help you win!

1.51 Mo - In English 8.38 Mo - In French

Teotihuacan: Expansion Period Rulebook


Teotihuacan: Expansion Period is an expansion for Teotihuacan: City of Gods and requires a copy of the base game to play. All content herein is compatible with both solitaire play and the first two expansions, Teotihuacan: Late Preclassic Period and Teotihuacan: Shadow of Xitle.

2.36 Mo - In English

Teotihuacan: Late Preclassic Period Rulebook


Teotihuacan is bustling with action! The city is ever expanding and growing, drawing inhabitants from nearby areas to make Teotihuacan their new home. A glorious new temple has just been constructed, attracting local governors to seek the blessings of the gods as they continue to build and decorate the city.

2.59 Mo - In English

Teotihuacan: Shadow of Xitle Rulebook


The devastating force of the eruption of Xitle completely buried and destroyed Cuicuilco and Copilco, both significant civic and religious cities. The survivors have scattered across Mesoamerica, many settling in and around Teotihuacan. The rapid infusion results in accelerated growth of Teotihuacan and leads to the adoption of new technologies as Teotihuacan establishes itself as a seat of power...

564.31 Ko - In English

Terracotta Army Rulebook


Emperor Qin Shi Huang has passed away. To protect him in the afterlife, a great army in the form of statues of faithful warriors must be assembled to stand guard in the Emperor's tomb. You will be among those tasked with building this magnificent army.

6.77 Mo - In English 5.56 Mo - In French

Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition Rulebook


Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition is an engine-building game in which players control interplanetary corporations with the goal of making Mars habitable (and profitable). A new, stand-alone game inspired by Terraforming Mars featuring faster gameplay and over 200 beautifully illustrated cards!

6.52 Mo - In English 2.12 Mo - In French

331 / 394 - 4,727 results