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335 / 394 - 4,727 results

The Big Book of Madness Rulebook


For generations, the Elementary College has shaped aspiring magicians such as you in mastery of the arcane: water, fire, earth, and air. …but your first year has been a little disappointing. So far, you can barely spark an ember a couple of inches. You spend more time memorizing books on theory than exploring real spells that will make you the great magicians you are destined to become.

7.51 Mo - In English 7.51 Mo - In French

The Big Idea Rulebook


You are a brilliant inventor, creating new products for a sceptical public. Your goal is to present your best, most revolutionary ideas. You win by making the most popular products. Shuffle the decks of ITEM and DESCRIPTION cards separately, and place them face down in the middle of the table.

194.38 Ko - In English 364.44 Ko - In French

The Bloody Inn Rulebook


France 1831: In a remote corner of Ardèche, the little village of Peyrebeille sees numerous travelers pass through… A family of greedy rural farmers is determined to make its fortune, and has devised a diabolical stratagem to achieve this goal: Invest in an inn so they can rob traveling guests, getting rich without arousing the suspicions of the police! Whether or not their plan will work out, one...

1.81 Mo - In English 5.78 Mo - In French

The Bloody Inn: The Carnies Rulebook


Bloodier than ever! With this expansion for The Bloody Inn, the inn now welcomes all sorts of strange and intriguing guests from a traveling carnival: a bear tamer, a bearded lady, a knife thrower, a fortune teller, etc. You also have new tricks up your sleeves.

1.43 Mo - In English 1.41 Mo - In French

The Boss Rulebook


Alcapo (The big boss of Chicago) rules his city with an iron fist, but is known for generously sharing a portion of his profit with his loyal supporters. Now, you are looking to take your cut of the action by sending your crew of gangsters out to assist the local bosses in the great cities of New York, Boston, Detroit, Kansas city.

565.37 Ko - In English 1.22 Mo - In French

The Builders: Antiquity Rulebook


The players must amass the most victory points by constructing buildings. 37 rectangular cards (including 18 Workers, 6 Slaves, 4 Tools, 4 Loans, 4 Universities, and 1 First player).

2.89 Mo - In English 2.89 Mo - In French

The Builders: Middle Ages Rulebook


To win the game, you must be the builder who can amass the most victory points by using your team of workers to construct buildings.

748.94 Ko - In English 699.74 Ko - In French

The Castles of Burgundy Rulebook


the Loire Valley during the 15th Century. As influential princes, the players devote their efforts to careful trading and building in order to lead their estates to prominence.

2.62 Mo - In English 2.69 Mo - In French

The Castles of Burgundy: The Card Game Rulebook


The Loire Valley in the 15th century. As influential sovereigns, players grow their estates through strategic trade and commerce. Playing cards that serve as “dice” show possible actions, but players make the final decisions. Will you trade or buy livestock, build city buildings or invest in scientific progress?

315.06 Ko - In English 316.66 Ko - In French

The Castles of Burgundy: The Dice Game Rulebook


15th century France, the Loire valley. As influential nobles you do your best to lead your duchies to prosperity through careful trade and diplomacy.

472.40 Ko - In English 1.22 Mo - In French

The Castles of Tuscany Rulebook


The beautiful Tuscany region, in the 15th century, is the home of the Italian Renaissance. As influential princes, the players make creative decisions to build their region into a flourishing domain. By supporting towns, villages, and monasteries, or by extracting marble and delivering goods, players see their lands grow, earning them victory points. Each round, players use cards to place useful tiles...

4.31 Mo - In English

The City Rulebook


Each round, players build developments, score victory points, and receive income. Once any player has 50 or more victory points, the game ends. The player with the most victory points wins! The Deck 110 cards, representing developments that can be built. Developments' costs, attributes, incomes, and victory points vary.

63.91 Ko - In English 298.55 Ko - In French

335 / 394 - 4,727 results