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355 / 394 - 4,727 results

Titan Rulebook


Greetings Employees, and congratulations on having been selected for the Stardrill Corporation mission to Titan. You lucky few have been chosen to be the first to set foot on the surface of Saturn’s largest moon! Initial scans have revealed huge reserves of a variety of resources, including valuable Deuterium. Your mission is to retrieve them from Titan’s depths.

1.74 Mo - In English 1.73 Mo - In French

Titles Règle


Donnez 5 cartes à chaque Formez une pioche avec le reste des cartes. La dernière personne à être allée au cinéma est désignée pour débuter la partie. Elle pioche une carte et la place au centre de la table. Si cette carte indique un nom propre (le texte est écrit en bleu), retournez la sur l’autre face.

263.63 Ko - In French

Tiwanaku Rulebook


It is said that Wiraqocha created the sun and the pre-Columbian tribes of the Andes. Under his leadership, those who will train the mighty Inca people came out of their caves to discover new horizons in order to subsist and grow in harmony with nature. They venerated Pachamama, Mother Earth, the basis of all living things, plants and minerals, on earth and under the earth.

5.56 Mo - In English 5.95 Mo - In French

Toc ! Toc ! Toc ! Règle


Distribuer toutes les cartes « Toc ! » Attention : les joueurs ne doivent pas les regarder. Poser le plateau au milieu de la table. Faire une pioche avec les cartes « Invités » faces cachées.

711.46 Ko - In French

Tofu Kingdom Rulebook


Step 1 One player gets the Prince Mochi card and assumes the role of Prince Mochi. After shuffling all seven Character cards, distribute one card to each player and place the remaining cards (if any) separately and face down on the center of the playing surface.

243.63 Ko - In English 728.77 Ko - In French

Tokaido: Collector's Edition Rulebook


The players are travelers in Japan in days of old. They will follow the prestigious Tokaido and try to make this journey as rich an experience as possible. To do this, they will pass through magnificent countryside, taste delicious culinary specialities, purchase souvenirs, benefit from the virtues of hot springs, and have unforgettable encounters.

3.30 Mo - In English

Tokaido: Crossroads Rulebook


Each Tokaido station (with the exception of the Inns) gives the Travelers a new option. At each stop, the players are now faced with new choices. A few new Travelers have also joined the Tokaido trip...

743.00 Ko - In English 745.00 Ko - In French

Tokaido Duo Rulebook


Shikoku may be the smallest of Japan’s four main islands, but it is always bustling with activity! Pilgrims traveling around the island, paying respects to its temples and gazing upon its beautiful gardens; merchants carrying their knick-knacks around in search of rich returns; artists savoring every landscape, and turning every encounter into a learning experience.

1.27 Mo - In English 1.27 Mo - In French

Tokaido: Matsuri Rulebook


The traditional Japanese festivities are now part of the Tokaido Journey. These Matsuri (the Japanese word for festival), triggered by the arrival of the Travelers at the intermediate Inns, punctuate the path with unique events.

526.48 Ko - In English 518.02 Ko - In French

Tokaido Rulebook


The players are travelers in Japan in days of old. They will follow the prestigious Tokaido and try to make this journey as rich an experience as possible. To do this, they will pass through magnificent countryside, taste delicious culinary specialties, purchase souvenirs, benefit from the virtues of hot springs, and have unforgettable encounters.

3.01 Mo - In English 2.92 Mo - In French

Toko Island Règle Multilingue


Vous voguez avec vos ami•e•s vers une mystérieuse île remplie d’anciennes reliques. Depuis que vous avez découvert la carte menant à ce lieu paradisiaque, de nombreux ami•e•s, chercheur•euse•s et scientifiques, vous envoient à l’aventure afin de leur ramener de précieux trésors.

3.25 Mo - In German 3.25 Mo - In English 3.25 Mo - In Spanish 3.25 Mo - In French 3.25 Mo - In Italian 3.25 Mo - In Dutch

Tokyo Highway Rulebook


Based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway, known around the world for its very particular urban structure, this game requires no board or boxes. Each player builds roads that cross those of his opponents and embarks on a crazy race to be the first to place his cars. Depending on the stages of your project, you will see a unique architectural structure rise!

458.85 Ko - In English 247.01 Ko - In French

355 / 394 - 4,727 results