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385 / 394 - 4,727 results

World of Yo-Ho Rulebook


World of Yo-Ho is a fantasy game of adventure and piracy on the high seas. It’s a new type of game, for 2 to 4 players, that combines the tangible and social pleasure of a board game with the interactive mechanics of a video game. Become the most famous pirate of this parallel world full of intelligent animals, lost islands, and wild magic.

2.63 Mo - In English 2.62 Mo - In French

Worldwide Football Mode Solo


Ces règles vous permettent de jouer seul une partie de Worldwide Football. Grâce à elles, vous pourrez prendre le contrôle de votre équipe contre un adversaire virtuel, dont vous simulerez les réactions selon des modalités précises. Une bonne connaissance des règles de Worldwide Football est recommandée pour bien comprendre les règles du mode Solo.

81.62 Ko - In French

Worldwide Football Règle


Worldwide Football vous place à la tête d'une équipe de football que vous êtes chargé de mener à la victoire. Pour cela, vous devrez judicieusement construire vos attaques, utiliser vos joueurs à bon escient et adapter au mieux vos choix tactiques. Le vainqueur du jeu sera le joueur dont l'équipe aura inscrit le plus de buts à l'issue des 2 mi-temps.

2.03 Mo - In French

Worldwide Tennis Rulebook


Welcome to our tennis academy. Here, you will learn to play Worldwide Tennis, a card game filled with all the excitement and the strain of a tennis match! We recommend discovering the basic rules first and knocking up your first balls in a warm-up match. Once you fully understand the basic principles of the game, you’ll be able to play with the advanced rules.

911.47 Ko - In English 944.53 Ko - In French

World Without End Rulebook


England in the years 1337 to 1361. . . The momentous events of the English Middle Ages affect the lives of the inhabitants of Kingsbridge. Here, nearly 200 years ago, Prior Phillip oversaw the building of the imposing cathedral called “The Pillars of the Earth.” Now, farmers, wool merchants, and builders—the players—strive for wealth and prestige. In the process, they encounter numerous and diverse...

1.24 Mo - In English 1.93 Mo - In French

Wormlord Rulebook


It has long been believed that earthworms are slow creatures lacking ambition. Not so! They dream of conquering the world, but they suffer from internal conflicts that prevent them from realizing their grand schemes: The pinks are convinced that they must lead the troops. …but so are the blues. …and the browns. …and the yellows.

904.70 Ko - In English 891.21 Ko - In French

Wreck Raiders Rulebook


Plunge into the glittering sea to recover exotic treasures from a seafloor overflowing with pirate shipwrecks. Send your divers to the deep, but be careful; moving too close to other divers lets them get in on the haul too! Gather lost loot and beached baubles to assemble museum exhibits and construct eye-popping aquariums... but don't forget to save the best bits for your personal collection!

2.02 Mo - In English 2.47 Mo - In French

Würm: Le Jeu de Rôle dans le Préhistoire Feuille Personnage


Würm: Le Jeu de Rôle dans le Préhistoire Feuille Personnage.

67.14 Ko - In French

Würm: Le Jeu de Rôle dans le Préhistoire Preview


Le monde est sauvage. Cruel, magnifique et indompté. Au cœur de la steppe vit une multitude de créatures puissantes : mammouths, bisons, cerfs géants, ours et lions des cavernes. Deux peuples nomades partagent avec ces colosses les terres infinies : les Hommes-ours et les Hommes longs, cueilleurs, conteurs, chasseurs et chamanes. En jouant à Würm, glissez-vous dans la peau de ces hommes et de ces...

2.25 Mo - In French

XenoShyft: Onslaught Rulebook


XenoShyft is played over a series of nine rounds, in which you and your allies must protect the Base from harm by defending it against the non-stop attacks of the alien “Hive”. Successfully defend the base for the entirety of the nine rounds and the mission will have been a success: NorTec will have completed its goals and you will have survived to fight another day.

5.37 Mo - In English

Xi'an Rulebook


246 BC: The future first emperor of China, Ying Zheng, orders the construction of the Terracotta Army. It will be part of the “Great Mausoleum”, a monument built to celebrate the Qin dynasty’s endless glory. It will also protect him in the afterlife. As a delegate of the Emperor, you will be asked to fulfill his wish by leading a team of workers and helpers to obtain resources, craft and decorate...

7.25 Mo - In English 7.34 Mo - In French

XOBrainer Rulebook


In XOBrainer you flex your brain muscles to win! The object of the game is to get 5-in-a-row in either shape (X’s or O’s) or colour (green or pink). It sounds simple, but you have to think two-dimensionally and use, not only your own pieces, but also your opponent’s pieces to get 5-in-a-row.

611.72 Ko - In English 545.85 Ko - In French

385 / 394 - 4,727 results