The European edition of Monopoly, before the launch of the euro. There are 12 countries (the 12 of the EEC), the currency is the ECU (European Currency Unit). The airports replace the train stations. Apart from that, the game remains the same. The properties are the largest properties of each of the twelve countries. The stations are airports, from the 4 countries not represented on the properties. The currency is the ecu (10 ecu = $1). The dice are starred. The counters represent 12 monuments of the twelve countries.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 game board (symbolizing the capitals of the 12 EEC countries), 2 dice, 12 tokens (representing the prestigious monuments of the 12 EEC countries), 32 green houses, 12 red hotels, 16 chance cards, 16 community cash cards, 28 property titles, ECU money, 1 set of rules.