Beaujolais is a geographical area located north of Lyon in France, which extends in the north of the Rhone department and in the south of the Saone-et-Loire. It is an old French province whose historic capital is Beaujeu, from which it takes its name, and the current capital is Villefranche-sur-Saône (chief town of arrondissement of the Rhone).
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Monopoly: Beaujolais or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 10 tokens, 28 title deed cards, 16 chance cards, 16 community chest cards, 1 pack of Monopoly money, 32 green houses, 12 red hotels, 2 dice, 1 speed dice, 1 rulebook.