In Risk: Godstorm, players are priests who seek to lead their race (Greek, Celtic, Babylonian, Norse and Egyptian) to dominate the ancient world as well as the Underworld. To do so, they must gather their forces, dominate continents, acquire relics of power and call their gods to earth. Risk: Godstorm uses the basic combat elements of the classic Risk game but modifies many other elements. The game is played on an ancient world map that focuses on Europe and North Africa. Atlantis is also present and highly coveted, but a chaotic event can cause the legendary city to sink into oblivion, taking all the forces present with it.
At the heart of the game, players attempt to control territories, and control of entire continents allows them to obtain bonus units to deploy to further their cause. One of the main differences from the classic Risk game is that the underworld can be invaded and defeated units can also be sent back to the underworld to fight again, some of them proving worthy enough to return to Earth. Like Risk 2210 A.D., Risk: Godstorm is played over 5 rounds (called Epochs here). At the end of this period, the player with the most victory points is declared the winner. Victory points are earned for the number of territories controlled + region bonuses + control of crypts and altars in the underworld and for each relic that offers a territory bonus if that territory is controlled.
As in Risk 2210 A.D., the game starts with a number of out-of-game territories. Here they are called Plague Lands. Risk: Godstorm also allows players to play Risk Classic using the Risk: Godstorm board for an alternative experience.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 Ancient Earth game board, 1 Underworld game board, 5 different ancient armies, 5 sets of gods, 5 pantheon cards, 66 miracle cards, 44 territory cards, 12 temples, 60 faith tokens, 1 reference card, 1 era marker, 1 turn order marker, 5 plague markers, 1 sunken Atlantis marker, 1 maelstrom marker, 10 dice, 1 rulebook.