In search of the Incas' gold, each player not only wants to be the first adventurer to hold the gold in his hands, but also to find the way out and if possible before the other treasure hunters. One after the other, the players choose a free starting square and place their game piece on it. Each one shoots in turn a diamond path and places it face-up on the game board, always covering 2 triangular squares (except for paths and destinations) and without blocking a player's starting square.
The player whose turn it is has 3 action points to execute the next four phases. The second diamond must not block a starting square or be placed on another diamond. 1st phase: remove your own blockade counter (0 action point). 2nd phase: move path diamonds (1 action point per diamond). Diamonds with blockade counters cannot be moved. We have the right to move diamonds with game pieces on them. 3rd phase: move a game piece.
You may not pass over or over squares with a chasm, cross walls, stop on squares with a game piece or a blockade counter. Each pass on a snake costs 1 action point.
If the game piece reaches a destination diamond with an Inca statue of its own color on it, it may take possession of it (1 action point). If a player arrives on a square with a secret passage, he can move to any unoccupied square with a secret passage (1 action point). If a player lands on a square with the "diamond" symbol, he can move a destination diamond (1 action point). 4th phase: use the blockade counter on a free square (0 action point).
The player who retrieved his three statues first and reached one of the four exits won.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 game board (6 pieces) representing the interior of the former Inca temple, 13 path diamonds, 3 destination diamonds, 4 game pieces, 4 blockade pieces, 12 Inca statues, 1 game rule.