Download the rule for Twilight Imperium: Third Edition or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 3 PDF files are available.
I am the Winnaran keeper of the Custodian Chronicle, and I write this from the ancient Tower of Annals in old Mecatol City. Since inheriting the duties of the chronicle from my father, I have enjoyed the inspiring views of great buildings, ancient towers, and the bright lights of life that stretch into the distance. Yet, like the shadow at my feet, I can never escape or forget the lethally finite...
12.97 Mo - In Englishpdf
This document is the definitive source for all Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition rules. The Living Rules Reference will occasionally be updated with additions, clarifications, errata, and an FAQ.
1.82 Mo - In English 2.95 Mo - In French