Your goal is to become the richest architect in the kingdom, building the most magnificent and profitable elements of Cleopatra's new Palace. Due to the intense competition between the prominent members of the Society of Architects, you will often be tempted to use people of darker repute to achieve your goal, or to trade a few raw materials of dubious origin.
However, if these immoral practices allow you to stay in the race for your final goal, you will also have to pay the price: each time you resort to them, you will have to slip under your pyramid, out of sight of your opponents, a few corruption amulets bearing the crocodile god Sobek's effigy. When Cleopatra finally visits her brand new palace at the end of the game, the most corrupt Architect will be captured on the spot and thrown to his sacred crocodile! Only then will the richest of the surviving Architects be declared the winner and be able to savor his victory.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available
Download the rule for Cléopâtre et la Société des Architectes or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 complete three-dimensional Palace (9 Walls and their Columns, 2 Doorposts, 2 Obelisks, 6 Sphinxes, 1 Throne and its Pedestal, and 10 Statues of Anubis), 108 Golden Talents constituting Cleopatra's treasure, 89 Amulets of Corruption, 110 Resources and Characters cards, 1 figurine representing Cleopatra, 5 Pyramids of Corruption, 5 dice of the High Priest, 1 rulebook, 1 online access number to the Days of Wonder games.