590 BC. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, marries the splendid Amyitis, daughter of the King of the Medes. But the beautiful woman longs for her country with its lush vegetation. For her, the king therefore decided to have splendid hanging gardens built. In this way, the city is preparing to take up this formidable challenge, which will leave its mark on the centuries to come.
The players play as Babylonian nobles in search of prestige. Throughout the game, they try to raise their status, by building gardens and irrigation networks, trading and recruiting. At the end of the game, the player with the highest prestige wins the game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 Babylon board, 1 Mesopotamia board, 20 Garden tiles, about 135 cubes, 4 score markers, 35 resource tokens of 5 types (barley, dates, salt, palm, wine), 14 camel tokens, 1 Caravan token (red background), 30 silver coins (Talents), 56 cards (18 x Trade, 4 x Plants, 31 x Court, 2 x Amyitis, 1 x First Player), 1 rule of the game.