Cluedo on the theme of the well-known book. Places: the pirate ship, the inn, the forest, the Roman tent, the Viking tent, the road, the Roman camp, the longship, the cliff. The 6 suspects: Barberouge, Centurion, Batdaf, Grosbaf, Cinematograf, Olibrius. The 6 weapons: the chain, the club, the bag, the ax, the chest, the sword.
Cluedo Asterix and the Normans invite you to discover who kidnapped Goudurix? With which weapon? What is the crime scene? The suspects are not lacking: Red Beard, Batdaf, Cinematograf, Grossebaf, Olibrius ... It's up to you to play.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Cluedo: Astérix et les Normands or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 6 pieces bearing the suspects' effigy, 6 miniature weapons (club, chain, sword, sword, bag, chest, axe), 21 cards (1 card per suspect, 1 per weapon and 9 locations), 1 detective's notebook, 1 confidential case, 2 dice, 1 game rule.