

2007 - (x)(x)(x)(,)() 3.4 - 50 Notes

2-4 PlayersBest of 3 players

15 MinPlaying time

Age: 8+Minimum age

FamilyType of public


(Good - usually willing to play.)


Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available

Download the rule for RattleSnake or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.

RattleSnake Rulebook

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/1c/f5/58-rattlesnake-rulebook.pdf

The youngest player begins the game by rolling the die. He then places one of his rattlesnake eggs on any snake on the board that matches the color depicted on the die. The center of the egg must rest on the snake. But, be careful! The rattlesnake eggs are magnetic and attract each other. If the eggs are placed too close to each other, they will clash.

343.86 Ko - In English

RattleSnake Règle

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/12/6b/1a-rattlesnake-regle.pdf

Rattle Snake est un jeu de dextérité simple et amusant pour les enfants de tout âge. Tour à tour, on dépose un oeuf de serpent (magnétique) sur le plateau. Mais attention: chaque oeuf nouvellement posé va faire frétiller les autres oeufs... qui vont peut-être s'agglutiner! Les oeufs collés entre eux doivent être récupérés par le joueur responsable. Pour gagner, il faut être le premier à avoir placé...

588.46 Ko - In French