Rush n' Crush is a futuristic racing game where the drivers do everything to arrive first and... whole! The track is modular with 10 double-sided plates. Everyone will be able to build his own circuit: fast, big, closed, open... Then each player chooses a team among the 3 proposed, one of the 2 drivers of the team and finally one of the 2 cars of the team. This will determine the characteristics of his driver. Each player has a dashboard. It indicates the speed of the car, its state (heat and structure), its driving, braking and turbo points (limited!), and finally the equipment. The driver can change speed, accelerate, brake. Then, to go faster, you can use the turbo points, but be careful with the heating! You can also brake harder with the brake points.
For steering, dice throws (depending on speed) indicate the number of lane changes available to avoid obstacles. The steering points make it possible to change lanes even more in case of discomfort. Otherwise, it's the famous "Pie in the wall"! Going too fast at low speed implies a high engine speed and therefore a warm-up. Throwing the dice indicates how much the engine will heat up and... too much heat... boom! Arriving first is good, but you might as well take advantage of it to calm down the competitors. The vehicle has 2 permanent equipments and the driver has 4 equipments that can be activated: 2 weapons and 2 bonuses. In addition, it is quite allowed to "slightly" jostle a loser who is a little too slow.
So the driver can choose to: drop mines, smash the back of a competitor, push another car even if it sends him into the scenery, send a flamethrower or a good salvo of gatling and so on! Of course, all that lowers the structure points, and there's no clean mister, when there's no more, there's no more! And our beautiful car becomes a wreck on the track. The "Overdrive" rules have a more simulated side on the fights than the "Arcade" rules, it all depends on the approach you want. You will have understood it, Rush n' Crush is a racing game where you have to manage your trajectories and your speed but also know how to play elbows. In the end, there is only one winner, the podium has no second place!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 10 double-sided circuit boards, 6 dashboards for 6 over-equipped vehicles, 6 cards for armed and dangerous drivers, 6 "Vehicle" counters, 6 "Gear lever" counters, 8 dice, 72 counters to constantly know the state of your cars, 12 "Mines" counters to blow up your competitors, 1 start/finish line, 1 "Arcade" rulebook, 1 "Overdrive" rulebook.