To be defeated without danger, one avoids trouble. Goblins can conquer areas occupied by a declining People with one token less than necessary... The Kobolds are not to be outdone: they "work as a team", as they like to say (in fact, it's mostly because the Kobold is too cowardly to attack alone). The Kobolds are numerous, but they are forced to stay in pairs in the regions they occupy.
Cursed Special Power will force you to make some tough choices: when choosing a People-Special Power combination, you will have to deposit not 1, but 3 victory tokens on the Cursed People if you choose a combination placed lower down! To regain victory tokens, you might as well choose the Thieving Special Power, which allows you to take a victory token from an opponent when you capture one of his regions...
But beware, though, as the opponent may well take revenge with the Horde Special Power, which provides additional People counters... As long as a third opponent throws himself into battle with his Garus, your account is good: this Special Power allows you to conquer regions with 2 fewer counters than necessary during night turns (even turns)! Still, you may have the opportunity to take revenge on both your opponents at the same time by choosing the Fearless Special Power... it allows you to complete two conquest turns in one: enough to conquer many territories!
Good to know!
We bring to your attention that this game is an extension and therefore cannot be played alone. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this extension.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 2 new Peoples (Kobolds and Goblins), their tiles and counters, 5 new Special Power tiles (Cursed, Horde, Fearless, Thieves and Werows), 1 People tile, 1 Special Power tile, 1 additional Forgotten Tribe counter.