Can you defeat Zangdar's sneaky traps to retrieve the 12th Gladeulfeurha statuette? It is written in the tablets of Skeloss that only a one-legged Northern Forest Gnome dancing on a full moon among the twelve Gladeulfeurha statuettes wrapped in ham will open the door of Zaral Bak and allow the fulfillment of the prophecy. A group of brave adventurers will now attempt to retrieve the twelfth Gladeulfeurha Statuette all together, they will penetrate the legendary, terrifying, unbelievable, mysterious and gruesome. .. DUNGEON OF NAHEULBEUK.
The dungeon is composed of different rooms (the number depends on the scenario) that players will walk through until they land in the office of Zangdar, the evil genius. In each room, the heroes will be confronted with one of the eight types of tests of the game: balance, climbing, dexterity, speed, skill, intelligence (if, if), coordination, resistance. And it's all timed, my brave lady. As you can see, the life of a hero is not an easy one. Especially since there will be fights against the henchmen of the great villain. Fights resolved with words in the face because it is still a very special dungeon.
Adventure (not bad...), fighting (a lot!), friendship (not too much either), suspense... Will you manage to thwart Zangdar's sneaky traps to get the 12th Gladeulfeurha statuette? Coming from the delirious universe of the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk and the tortured brains of Antoine Bauza and Ludovic Maublanc, this cooperative game won't leave you any respite.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 5 Files Available5 Files Available
Download the rule for Le Donjon de Naheulbeuk or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 5 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 1 Fighting token, 1 Enemy token, 1 Vigilance token, 20 Injury tokens, 77 Basto cards, 56 dungeon rooms, 44 Digging cards, 16 Fate tiles, 10 Gold Piece, 10 Experience Point, 3 Rest tokens, 1 Curse token, 1 Poison token, 1 adjustable timer, 8 Adventurer's Booklets, 1 Initiation Booklet, 1 Rules Booklet.