While the intrigues of the priests of Amon are being heard in the provinces, you will take advantage of foreign trade at the Port of Memphis to buy ever more original and rare gifts to please Queen Nefertititi, and ensure your place at the Akhet-Aton Palace.
Will you be able to take advantage of the new characters that will appear? Will you call the merchant or priest of Amen who mocks the ruling power, the itinerant thief, the merchant or beggar who opportunely tries to get away with it, the oracle who will guess the coming of Akhenaten, or finally the royal scribe who has his own entries to the palace.
Will you venture to the Port of Memphis in time to get the rare gifts from abroad, and thus give bonuses to your collections?
Good to know!
We bring to your attention that this game is an extension and therefore cannot be played alone. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this extension.
Contents of the box : 7 new characters, 1 new place: the port of Memphis, and foreign gifts, rules for 2 and 5 players (and associated pawns/cards).