In 1536, Pedro de Mendoza founded the city of Buenos Aires along the Rio de la Plata River. Five years later, the settlers were forced to leave the city, exhausted by the hardships and by the continuous attacks of the natives, the Guarani. The city was destroyed by the natives a few weeks later... Almost fifty years after the destruction of Buenos Aires, Juan de Garay led a new expedition and founded a new city. As before, resources are scarce and the natives are angry! But that's not all: now the Corsairs paid by the English Crown are threatening the new Spanish colony!
Rio de la Plata is a strategy game where players represent the heads of Spanish settler families in Buenos Aires. They must work together to defend and develop the city, but also seek to gain enough prestige for themselves and take the most important political offices. In the end, only one will be the new governor! The game lasts about twenty rounds, each of which is divided into three phases. The first phase consists of placing up to 5 of your 9 workers. The second phase is used to activate the abilities of the places selected by the workers. The last phase is used to manage possible wars and to recalculate the order of the game turn.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 game board, 2 dice, 50 Worker pieces (10 per colour), 18 purple pieces, 1 blue piece (enemies), 5 counter pieces, 1 time marker (6 colours), 60 wall/road pieces, 75 resource cubes (15 blue, 30 white and 30 brown) 4 tiles (Palace, Cathedral, Fort and Harbour), 65 housing tiles (13 per colour), 3 monument tiles, 3 garden tiles, 5 church tiles, 4 market tiles, 6 stonecutter/carpenter tiles, 12 character tiles, 40 coins (30 silver and 10 gold).