Set out to conquer the archipelagos of the globe! The game retraces the era of discovery of the archipelagos across the globe, from 1492 (discovery of the West Indies by Christopher Columbus) to 1797 (colonization of Tahiti). Each player embodies an explorer and his team, missioned by a European nation to discover, colonize and exploit the archipelagos. These missions are supposed to be carried out in a diplomatic manner, responding to the needs of the local population as well as the regular demands of the continent. The archipelago and its natives must be respected, otherwise the natives will begin to revolt and this could well end in a war of independence.
Not to mention that among you there may be an independentist and a pacifist among you, both of whom will try to tip the balance towards revolt or peace respectively! Are you ready to assume your role and set off to discover the archipelagos? Archipelago combines exploration, resource management, optimization, cooperation, strategy, negotiation, corruption, trade, suspicion, alliances and treachery, and even a zest for investigation!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 action wheel, 30 secret objective maps, 15 trend maps, 48 evolution maps, 25 hexagons, 135 gold coins, 82 resource cubes, 1 evolution track, 1 internal market, 1 external market, 1 table of active and rebellious citizens with corresponding meeples, 1 table of available workers with a grey meeple, 5 sets of wooden counters of five different colours, 4 ships, 10 citizens, 5 action pellets, 1 game order marker, 13 market/port tokens, 13 city/temple tokens, 24 explorer tokens, 5 screens/playing aids, 2 objective card summary sheets, 1 rule book.