Your city is besieged by zombies coming out of who knows where. You managed to take refuge in a building with other survivors but the zombies found your trace and surrounded you. They only want one thing: to eat. And preferably fresh human flesh. Good fresh. Since you are not prepared to sacrifice yourself, you will have to find an atoning victim and convince your companions of the merits of this selection. Morally it's not an easy situation to live in, but it's always better than finishing up with zombies, right?
At each turn of the game, players move their characters to different places in the city. When the zombie attack criteria of a venue are met, players must designate a victim among the characters of this place that will be devoured by zombies. But before moving to this vote, players can use their weapons to try to get rid of zombies. Then the survivors will be able to share the equipment parachuted by the helpers, but again it will be necessary to vote for the distribution of the objects.
Upon the arrival of the helpers (at the end of the fourth turn of play), the player with the most points (value of his characters still alive plus the recovered material) wins.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 6 trays of places, 3 trays of roads, 1 foot of water tower in 2 parts to be assembled. 21 Character cards, 21 Character counters, 1 Woman with Baby counter, 40 Zombie counters, 70 colored stands, 36 Movement cards, 40 Action cards, 20 Invasion cards, 6 Explosion markers, 4 Fire markers to assemble, 1 First Player marker, 12 Food counters, 20 Antidote counters, 1 Zombie Leader marker, 3 Cache counters to use in games with less than 6 players, 6 Game Help/Player Color markers.