Download the rule for Hawaï or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.
The players live on this well-known island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The main island is well-populated and everyone follows his own business. Fishermen fish, surfers surf, dancers dance, and the fruits grow… Also the surrounding islands look very beautiful from the main island and offer many interesting places to visit.
7.22 Mo - In Englishpdf
Yenez visiter Ie célèbre archipel de l'océan Paciflque ! Découvrez la culture fruitière locale et apprenez le surf ou le hula sur les plages paradisiaques de I'ile I Votre voyage vous permettra aussi de faire la rencontre des mythiques kahunas ainsi que d'observer les tikis et les nombreuses divinités. Saurez-vous mener vos chefs vers la victoire ?
2.13 Mo - In French