Noises is Life! Noises mean gold. Noises mean rising. And now you can search for trouble up to six players. No more help against monsters! No more friends to betray! No more competition for the loot! Oops, forget about that last point. The dungeon now has Traps. A axes and arrows, flames and rocks falling... That you may be able to avoid, by putting a comrade in front of you for example.
Explore the 18 new rooms... The Tomb Room! The Damn Room! The Chamber of Horrors! If you survive, spend your gold at the Boutique Chic du Donjon... Or at the Boutique Pratique du Donjon if you are a little short financially. Get rid of these annoying monsters in the Sunny Room, and heal yourself in the Temple of Generic Kindness.
And the new monsters! Flee the overwhelming power of Grandpa! Fear the Fearful Fairy who is really scary! Fight the slimy threat of the Gum Golem! No more weapons, scrolls, and potions to equip your characters, new curses to inflict on your comrades but nevertheless opponents, and a new type of corridor that allows you to collect a little gold between two pieces.
Good to know!
We bring to your attention that this game is an extension and therefore cannot be played alone. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this extension.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 3 Files Available3 Files Available
Download the rule for Munchkin: Quest 2 - Chercher des Noises or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 3 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 27 Joins, 12 Health Pieces, 10 Movement Pieces, 17 Gold Pieces, 2 Level Counters, 100 Cards, 13 Monsters, 6 Search Results Pieces, 6 Abandoned Object Pieces, 2 Munchkins, 6 Bases, 4 Dice, 9 Coin Tiles.