At the head of a powerful nation, take control of the 15th century Mediterranean and send your galleys loaded with soldiers and goods to conquer the waves. Seize the most strategic positions and fill your warehouses to amass a true fortune that will make your empire the most prosperous and feared.
Players play as merchant princes from the largest cities in the Mediterranean basin in the 15th century. Through trade and war, they try to establish their dominance in this part of the world. At the end of the game, the richest player is declared the winner.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 board representing the Mediterranean in the XIV-XVIth century, 28 miniature galleys, 112 flags, 28 bases, 20 fortification counters, 105 merchandise counters of 7 different colours, 176 marine counters, 101 coins, 1 turn counter, 4 turn order counters (1 per empire), 4 game aids, 1 die.