Somme 1918

Somme 1918

2012 - (x)(x)(x)(,)() 3.1 - 1 Note
Somme 1918

2 PlayersNb of players

240 MinPlaying time

Age: 14+Minimum age

PassionateType of public


(Good - usually willing to play.)


Somme 1918 is a wargame simulating the German offensives of the spring of 1918 with the aim of separating the French and British armies. Each player finds himself in the situation of an army group commander and must manage his forces according to operational but also political constraints. Sum 1918 pits two players against each other. One player controls the German forces while the other controls the Allied forces: French, English, Canadians, New Zealanders and Australians.

The counters represent the units that participated in the campaign and the map represents the ground on which they fought. Players manoeuvre their units on the map and conduct combat as described in the rules of the game. The capture of geographical objectives is decisive in determining the winner at the end of the game.

The rules are divided into two booklets: the basic rules that allow you to play the main German offensive and the French counter-attack through three scenarios, and to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of the game (movement and combat) and the advanced rules that allow you to play the campaign as a whole by integrating new parameters (offensive management, political events...).

Somme 1918 CoverSomme 1918 EclateSomme 1918 EclateSomme 1918 MapSomme 1918 ZoomSomme 1918 Zoom

Contents of the box : 1 x 22 "x34" map, 560 counters, 4 game aids, 1 x 24 page rule book, 1 x scenario book, dice.

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Summary of all detailed information about the game (release date, ean code, weight, size, ...)

Primary titleSomme 1918
Year published2012
Release DateJune 2012
Acquisition dateAdd my game acquisition date
Product CodeS18
Weight1.68 lbs
Size8.66 x 11.02 x 1.57 inches
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DesignersNicolas RidentThomas Pouchin
ArtistsThomas Pouchin
PublishersNuts! Publishing
DistributorsBlackrock Games
Type of publicPassionate