Expansions Rebel Alliance

Star Wars: X-Wing - X-Wing T-65

Star Wars: X-Wing - X-Wing T-65

2018 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.6 - 11 Notes

Renew and intensify your Star Wars: X-Wing games! When Incom Corporation engineers joined the ranks of the Rebel Alliance, they brought with them the plans for the X-wing T-65. The onboard Astromech...

Renew and intensify your Star Wars: X-Wing games! When Incom Corporation engineers joined...

Languages : French
Release Date : September 2018

Buy on Amazon €50.60
Star Wars: X-Wing - Le Jeu de Figurines - X-Wing

As a favored hunter of the Rebellion, the X-wing is a perfectly honed craft with powerful defensive shields, good laser cannons and deadly proton torpedoes. Although it is less agile than Imperial...

As a favored hunter of the Rebellion, the X-wing is a perfectly honed craft with powerful...

Languages : French
Release Date : October 2012

Out of Amazon €29.90