Download the rule for Stone Age: Style is the Goal or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available.
The first player will place one or more figures on the location of her choice. Then, the player to her left will do the same, and so forth until every player has placed all of their figures on the board. Following this, starting once more with the first player, each player moves from location to location and takes the corresponding action.
2.73 Mo - In Englishpdf
À l'aube des civilisations, nos ancêtres travaillèrent sans relâche afin de survivre ne serait-ce qu'une journée.
2.38 Mo - In Frenchpdf
It took many moons of labor to establish our village. There was also a new generation to feed and train in our ways. During these days, we built only practical huts as there was no time for decoration. We spent our time gathering the resources needed to build the our village and supply ourselves with food and other necessities.
2.81 Mo - In Englishpdf
L'Âge de Pierre continue ! Votre voyage dans la lointaine époque de l'Âge de Pierre se poursuit avec cette extension qui offre tout le matériel de jeu pour permettre à un cinquième joueur de vous accompagner dans votre périple. Découvrez une nouvelle ressource : les ornements. Récoltez des ressources, échangez-les contre des ornements, ou faites l'inverse. Une agréable manière de varier vos parties...
3.32 Mo - In French