This extension for Catania consists of several different scenarios. At the heart of all these scenarios, you will have to explore an unknown sea with your ships and you will have to found colonies on the islands you discover. To this end, the very first scenario in this expansion is designed to teach you the basic rules that govern this expansion. In the following scenarios, you will have additional objectives (missions). You will have to seize pirate lairs, catch fish or negotiate with the inhabitants of the queues to obtain their precious spices.
In order to complete the Council's missions, Volis will have to build well-known infrastructure, settlements and roads, to which new items will be added: settlers, ships, harbour settlements, units. pirate ships, fish and spice bags. You will obtain victory imams by building colonies and port colonies. You will also be able to obtain additional VPs by completing the various missions that will be offered to you. The first player to reach the required number of VPs wins the game.
Land in Sight! is the very first scenario. It lasts 30 minutes and introduces the basic rules of this expansion. The second scenario introduces the last part of the basic rules as well as the very first mission. Each subsequent scenario in turn introduces a new mission and its corresponding rules. Thus, the expansion opens up to you little by little, until the final scenario, Pirates & Discoverers . This approach will allow you to assimilate the rules gradually. This is why it is strongly advised to play the scenarios in the order presented.
Good to know!
We bring to your attention that this game is an extension and therefore cannot be played alone. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this extension.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available
Download the rule for Catane: Pirates & Découvreurs or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 16 harbour colonies, 36 units, 12 ships, 8 settlers, 12 markers, 4 pirate ships, neutral figurines (6 shoals of fish, 24 bags of spices), gold coins (40 x 1, 36 x 3), 15 frame pieces, 6 tiles Golden River, 6 tiles Shoal of Fish, 6 Spice Village tiles, 16 normal tiles, 12 numbered tokens, 6 Pirate Den tokens, 3 Mission cards, 3 VP (Victory Points) cards, 4 new Construction Cost cards, 10 zippered bags for game material, 1 Game Rule.